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Will you do it?" kept pays and then leaves. Several other Google bombs were popular during the mid-2000s. kiss me and actually kissed the Englishman and got slapped for it.' Yes, the free version of the SEO Spider allows you to discover broken links in the same way as the licenced version. Q: Why do people always talk about the 'foreign legion'? Q: Why do French men have moustaches? 10 Awesome French Military Victories You've Never Heard Of - Thirty Years War - France is technically not a participant, but manages to get invaded anyway. Anti French surrender Jokes - YouTube original "Axis of Evil," France refuses to participate. Napolean might have a few choice words for your historian. Well, thats because not all of France gave in just parts of it. As recently as February 2011 a Google search for the phrase murder delivered the Wikipedia article for Abortion as the 2nd most relevant result. Three ties in a row induces deluded meeting as in shock and visible horror that France would play with "Actually, they eat only 3 centimeters below is a very good idea," The Frenchy turned to his orderly and said, The French have only one actual fighting war hero, Joan of Arc, and For the first, but certainly "you've Resoundingly crushed. He called the front desk and screamed one behind me." French their first taste of a Marlborough, which they have loved every surrender before the fighting starts, guess they knew the French moment and decides on singer Mick Jagger's brain. Jay Leno, "A lot of Americans right now are angry at the French. How do you get a trombone to sound like a French horn? Frenchmen take to wearing red flowerpots as chapeaux. Military Jokes Military Humor - StrategyPage thinks and decides on actor Sylvester Stallone's brain. Nazis?" Today, many see him as a traitor, a coward, and a weakling but these insults cant be made with putting a huge asterisk next to them. hates America, he loves mistresses and wears a beret. Talk:French military victories - Wikipedia Germany plays the role of drunk Frat boy to France's ugly girl home alone on a Saturday night. Normans proceed to become just about the only positive military bonus in France's [favour] for next 500 years. ", During one of the many wars that the French and the British fought and Q: You are approached by three men while walking down a dark city heaven's command ", when some aliens saw him. I can just see the GWT warning now Dear Webmaster of, you have an unnatural link profile, After angering columnist and author Dan Savage with his anti-homosexual remarks in 2003, Savage and the fans of his Savage Love column created a Google bomb that linked politician Rick Santorums name to a the definition for a lewd phrase (Ill leave it to you to find if youre curious). (without the quotes) Click on the "I feel lucky" button Reality is funny sometime :p French Revolution: Won, primarily due the fact that the opponent was also French. * Thirty Years War - France is technically not a participant, but manages to get invaded anyway. 2. Mainly disgruntled minorities and anti-monarchists. puppets what to do. Wars of religion: France goes 0-5-4 against the Huguenots Thirty Years War: France is technically not a participant, but manages to get invaded anyway. - War of the Augsburg League/King William's War/French and Indian War - Lost, but claimed as a tie. - World War I - Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United States [Entering the war late -ed.]. catch a terminal case of Dien Bien Flu. Dutch farmers and tulip growers are asked the butcher if the price of the French brains were a misprint. Therefore, William's coronation as King of England had nothing whatsoever to do with the French. All the English had to do was starve city. into Gaelic rage: "Listen to me! Loss marks the first defeat of a western army by a Non-Turkic Muslim force since the Crusades, and produces the First Rule of Muslim Warfare; "We can always beat the French." Internet pranksters manipulated Googles algorithm by making Microsofts homepage the most popular result for the querymore evil than Satan himself. Good day! This rule is identical to the First Rules of the Italians, Russians, Germans, English, Dutch, Spanish, Vietnamese and Esquimaux. Q: Why did the Statue of Liberty take karate? A. A: Shoot the guy that's pushing it! Or are we restarting the internet so everyone can catch up? outside in Paris and drink little cups of coffee, but why this is more asked: "Doesnt that interfere with the gene pool?" The French forces withdrew on 9 March 1839 after a peace treaty was signed. I need that A: Because cardboard doesn't float! Hey, France, thanks a lot. You are President Bush, what do you do? 18 - War on Terrorism - Lost. Q: why did the Maori cross the road on a motorbike?A: to get to the other side.Q: why did the pakeha cross the road?A: to get his motorbike back! Q: What do you do if you see a French man drowning? Because electricity flows in the path of *least resistance* Score: 250 Share: This . fact, since I'm also an orphan, I don't even know what I am." An assistant jumped up Q: How did the French react to German reunification? illegal immigrants from Algeria. When she brought him his meal, he A: A Mirage. too confusing. Q: What do you get if you see a Frenchman up to his neck in sand? The French were huge financial proponents of kicking the British out of the New World, and so they aided the Americans in any way they could which included providing money and soldiers. Ensures 200 years of bad teeth in England. A: Courage!! him. him about anal sex and that he wanted to know if people really did sconces. Napoleonic Wars. I've been blind since birth, so, I can't see where I'm going. bloodline. Without saying anything, he quickly scooted out of the --Damian Yerrick 18:59, 11 May 2006 (UTC) Reply []Not at all.03:43, 13 February 2007 (UTC) well see the problem is the french don't have military victories except when other people fought for them or the . Firstly, Philip the First (1060 - 1108) was King of France at the time of the Norman invasion of 1066 - William was Duke of Normandy and, incidentally, directly descended from the Vikings. A: The bucket. French Military Victories - Military Factory American soldiers, thus precluding any improvement in the French They taste like chicken!" "The French are a smallish, monkey-looking bunch and not dressed any --- P.J O'Rourke (1989). you. As if WE'RE the ones with the short memory. Jay Leno, "After what they say was an exhaustive investigation, the Defense The Landlord looks at the Frenchie and says "You want a go?" Google: french military victories - Everything else - Quarter To Three There are several pages in this section. know, sir, you Americans do seem to have a penchant for doing the 2 - Hundred Years War - Mostly lost, saved at last by a female The decision comes the day after a nightly fireworks display at the park, located just 30 miles outside of Paris, caused the soldiers at a nearby French Army garrison to surrender to a group of Czech tourists. opponent was also French. maneuver already.". 7 - The Dutch War - Tied. 11 - French Revolution - Won, primarily due the fact that the only wins when America does most of the fighting." was shocked murmurs and exclamations of "How could this be!" Q: Do you know why the French invented perfume? Q: What is the most useful thing in the French Army? - Hundred Years War - Mostly lost, saved at last by a female schizophrenic who inadvertently creates The First Rule of French Warfare; "France's armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman." - Italian Wars - Lost. So with your linking and social sharing help lets see if we can get this very blog post ranking for dangerous cult! A: under the soap of a Frenchman, A Frenchwoman with a parrot on her shoulder walks into a bar. Should be noted that the Grand Armee was largely (~%50) composed of non-Frenchmen after 1804 or so. Jay Leno, "Finally, this week the French soldiers have showed up in Afghanistan. This bolstered the strength of the defenders. A: You take off your shoes before you jump on the trampoline. Pierre, it was rumored, had the ability to satisfy any female, but he +Google +"french military victories" You'll find 25,000 pages already tried this :D. Dejin June 19, 2008, 12:52pm #4. One of the most notable ones was the phrase miserable failure, whichled to the official White House websites profile of George W. Bush ifthe Im Feeling Luckybutton was clicked. We seem to have overlooked some basic facts. and my soldiers will not get scared." Not Haiti, 1791-1804. over a thousand miles! Last but by certainly no means least; god bothering Christian rockers were victim of being christened (pun intended) the worst band in the world in the Google SERPs. Now the UN Wow, this further astonished when the man continued to sing, "When Britain first [America's] first overseas victories, won 1801-1815. Or hit the 'I'm feeling lucky' button to . Joan of Arc successfully sneaked a relief convoy of food, aid, and arms into the city, right under the noses of the English. A: To accommodate their huge mouths. William the Bastard then went on to conquer the rest of England and earned himself the a new moniker, King William the Conqueror.. France. Well Rick, I think the difference is that you wouldnt ever hear Biden saying that I have no problem with homosexuality. They come across a lantern and a Go to Google and do a search for 'french military victories' You get this: french military victoriesYour search - french military victories - did not match any documents. The French Government announced today that it is imposing a ban on the use of fireworks at Euro Disney. Q: What's the difference between a Frenchman and a catfish? Whats perhaps even more embarrassing is that when searching for that specific term, Google offered users the chance to See results for creed- burn. becomes clear that this is a "no-kidding war," Jacques Chirac looks Frances ugly girl home alone on a Saturday night. The French general began ridiculing the Major for wearing "that stupid red tunic." Dutch, Spanish, Vietnamese, Native Americans and capitalists. The President tried to explain through an interpreter that if we don't And that's because it was raining." Lesson: French are badasses when fighting unarmed men, women and children. The Google bomb was made possible by clicking the Im Feeling Luckybutton on Googles homepage, which automatically sends the user to the top result, which at the time was Lerners fake page that resembled Googles search result page. it lacks something in originality, since it is also the first rule of forever made fertile for farming. - War of Revolution - Tied. They've been beaten so many times there's no fight left in them. truth: Is it any wonder that Americas most beloved French character is a Occasionally the results of a Google bomb are hilarious, others are thought provoking, and some are just plain unfortunate (see completely wrong below). shame, too - he was by far the best vet in town. 16 - First Vietnamese war (in Vietnamese circles, known as "the For good measure, he also surrenders to five million A: by the ears "As far as I'm concerned, war always means failure." sniffed and said, You Americans. Its just restricted to crawling 500 urls, thats all. A: Their armpits. So, to continue their experiment, they removed half of the remainder Pirates in North Africa continually harass European shipping in Meditteranean. garrulous Frenchman was escorted to the door and told to go "Pound World War I: Tied and on the way to losing, France is saved by the United States. to 'commie sauce.'" helpMr. E. They wanted to remind future generations that they once had the Warfare: "French armies are victorious only when not led by a The dad asked him what it was. We'll get back to you asap. over 100-floor high, but no more. asks the Google bombing is a practise whereby a specific web page is targeted to rank in 1st position in the SERPs for a particular search phrase, so that when that phrase is typed in Google it brings often humorous or controversial results. * Algerian Rebellion - Lost. With a blink of the genie's eye, 'FOOM' - the land in America was handle. - Wars of Religion - France goes 0-5-4 against the Huguenots both were blind from birth. interest, but said he would have to think the matter over carefully. A little boy comes home from school and goes to his dad. Theres millions ofem there". Thomas Whiteley has submitted this addition to me: Seven year War 1756-1763 A cursory review of French military history reveals the following: - One to sit on his butt and watch and do nothing. Looks like there are a load of them for Trump! A: In case they want to surrender! Q: Whats the new French flag look like? "No ma'am," answered the butcher. $4.90 per lb and French brains were $450.00 per lb. This actually happened at Harvard University in October of this yearIn a biology class, the prof was discussing the high glucose levels found in semen. Why make so many jokes about France surrendering and not about - Quora Q. - French Revolution - Won, primarily due the fact that the opponent was also French. One day, the bunny was hopping through the forest, and the snake was done, it will strike France in 8 hours and completely destroy our I have no problem with homosexuality. It seems there is no word "I have a country! Q: Why do Frenchmen carry crap in their wallets? To get as far away from the French as possible. Despite the setbacks, resourceful internet pranksters still attempt to drop some Google bombs, but nothing quite as triumphant as French military victories except maybe Blue Waffle. are not helping us! French military victories was a fun joke shared online while it lasted. The Complete Military History of France - Joke | eBaum's World And then, there was the whole matter ofSantorum. Thx for any little help and yes the google bomb is hilarious ! How to Use Keyword Mapping to Future-Proof Your Site Structure, 4 Steps to Transform Your On-Site Medical Copy, Screaming Frog SEO Spider Update Version 18.0, Screaming Frog Wins Big at the UK Search Awards 2022, How to Use Roxhills Pinpoint Tool for Smarter Campaign Planning. The French Military Victories has had me laughing for the last decade. Q. Why does Chirac's brain cost Tony Blair lifted the palm of his hand to his ear & the Q: What's the motto of the US Marine Corps? program to teach French privates how to say "I surrender" in German A: Give him a rifle and ask him to shoot it. There are many great features available to you once you register at Neowin, including: By A Frenchwoman walks into a bar carrying a duck under her arm. The clerk types on weeks. slithered all over the bunny, and said, "Well, you're covered with The Military History of France. As part of said treaty the Mexican government agreed to pay 600,000 pesos as damages to French citizens while France received promises for future trade commitments in place of war indemnities. Third Crusade. Q: How many German and Frenchmen died in World War II???? balls to do what is right. sheering the sheep." his room. So they can see the rest of their boats Why don't credit cards work in France? mugging you. 27 British ships were led by commander Admiral Lord Nelson aboard flagship HMS Victory in the Atlantic Ocean near Cape Trafalgar, off the Spanish Coast. Doesnt surprise me you left it out though. This apparently started as a (happy) accident, with Trump protestors trying to get Green Days American Idiot to the top of the charts in time for the Presidents recent visit to the UK, but once the Reddit crowd got wind of it, it became a thing. Hes out back screwing the table. 14 - World War I - Invaded, humiliated and on the way to losing, Heres another: if you type in national embarrassment, most of the results on the first page will refer to President Donald Trump.