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f) Links between nazis and torture / child abuse as a ritual are not new and not limited to the german SS or secret police agencies of that regime. Coup date in Chile 9-11-1973 or 9+ 1+ 1 & 1+ 9 + (7 + 3 =10 or 1) 9/11 and 9/11 for. By the hurricane itself. . . . Codified death for 25 different crimes . 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel Jerusalem is , of course , were Christ was crucified and where the Third Temple must. The Thugs or Thuggee. Like Tookie was the Satanist sacrificial black goat. The US Senate was unable -despite 200 bills being proposed- to ever outlaw lynching. . It has even been trademarked. 1) Connection between 666 Jerusalem and El Paso, Texas /Ciudad Juarez , Mexico. Saddam believed himself to be the reincarnation of Nebuchadnezzar the conqueror. THAT WAS STOPPED FROM BUILDING A SUPER PRISON FOR JUVENILES NEAR OAKLAND 33RD PARALLEL CALIFORNIA. Global organ harvesting network with illegal distribution centers in many places. UFO Lore and the 33 rd Parallel. Since the illuminati are believed to have, Developed from the Knight Templars by many and that Skull/Bones is a descendant. In 1840, an allegation was made that jews were kidnapping and engaged in the ritual murder of two Christians in Damascus, Syria, a city , like Baghdad , right at the heart of the 33rd parallel. The 33rd parallel does not pass through Virginia were, The Confederate Capital was immediately moved to. . If we take a look at the Northern Hemisphere of the planet, the parallel 33 happens to run across a few major, important cities in the United States, including Dallas, Los Angeles, Phoenix, and even the town of Roswell, which is a hotspot for the UFO phenomenon. We all know that number 33 is not just any regular number. . Buy The Atlantean Conspiracy Now. The first stop on our tour along the 33rd parallel is the metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona, located at 33 degrees 30 minutes latitude. Crowley based the Silver Star in 33rd parallel California. North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was receptive. Without Kings death none of that would have happened. Capetown is on the 33rd parallel. is an agency operation attempting to create in Hegelian fashion ORDO AB CHAO. A SEA CHANGE OF MAJOR PROPORTIONS HAS SWEPT THROUGH IRAN. The father of Jesus Christ is the Holy ghost , always depicted as a DOVE. The first atomic bomb was exploded in the desert of New Mexico. . 35.67 N Latitude, Death Row North Carolina 35.82 N Latitude, Raleigh North Carolina. . Animal Flesh Eater Arrested: Felony Charges Serious Injury To 3 Month Old! It was a ritual sport with the losing team being sacrificed. ** MITHRAS WORSHIP ASSOCIATED WITH THE ANASAZI , *10. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Florence Prison, AZ: Masonic Temple 1.2 miles away. A clerical regime is suddenly run by a glowing secular individual that talks of wiping a. nuclear armed country, Israel off the map. Islamic one It has changed into one in which it doesnt matter what the people think. All of this on States touched by the 33rd parallel, If the Prison riot with 33 sacrificial victim snitches was a ritual murder for, energy in the New Mexico prison riot the door is open to the possibility of, Oklahoma City being the same. BNFL is wholly owned, BNFL is now trying to sell Westinghouse nuclear assets and its representative is. 8. White House, in Warm Springs, Georgia. Gleaming like a steel and glass mirage surrounded by ironwood, palo verde, and saguaro cactus, this modern American city lies in a brown cloud of auto exhaust at the northern end of the Sonoran Desert. Be getting orders to commit the savage crime from the beatles White Album. Thus an illuminati agent gave FDR, The home in which he died as a gift. THUS, JESUS WAS SACRIFICED ON A T SYMBOL IN A LAND INTERSECTED, BY THE 33RD PARALLEL WHICH HAD SOLAR DEITY FOLLOWING IN THE, ROMAN LEGIONS A SACRIFICE TO TAMMUZ THAT WAS INTERRUPTED BY, THE CENTURION LONGINUS REFUSING TO ALLOW THE MUTILATION OF HIS. If no payment was received death would follow, sooner or later. Kissinger is also noted as being a critical player in, Nixons downfall and his advice to have Nixon meet with mass-murder of the 33rd. Do you need underlay for laminate flooring on concrete? To disguise their occult energy extraction enterprise as Justice is a vast, ARCHAEOLOGISTS ARE DISCOVERING THAT MOST ANCIENT ADVANCED CULTURES PRACTICED HUMAN SACRIFICE ALWAYS FOR THE SAME REASON- TO PROPITIATE SUPERHUMAN INTELLIGENCES THAT EXISTED BEYOND 3 DIMENSIONAL REALITY, SECRET SOCIETIES ARE AWARE OF THIS AND HAVE ENGAGED IN HUMAN SACRIFICE DISGUISED AS JUSTICE OR ELIMINATION OF CRIMINALS, ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE AND WHAT-NOT FOR PUBLIC CONSUMPTION, THE NAME OF THE GAME IS AN EXCHANGESACRIFICIAL ENERGY FOR THE BLOODTHIRSTY ENTITY AND TEMPORAL POWER OR GAIN FOR THE, THE POWER OF THE RITUAL IS GREATER AT CERTAIN GEOGRAPHICAL POINTS THE CHIEF OF THESE ACCORDING TO MASONIC/ILLUMINATI BELIEFS IS THE 33RD PARALLEL NORTH LATITUDE, The latitude of Andersonville, Georgia is N. Latitude 32.20 . In circumference. 2. concentration camp. Masons and Mystery at the 33rd Parallel - Illuminati A kidney can fetch up to a million$ in Mexico. . This is a good description of Jesus Christ. New Orleans is a major pivot point regarding ancient site geometry that aligns with. The writer will begin with South Africa. The esoteric writer Peter Moon has written extensively on the Pleiades and their role in. Iraq is located on the 33rd parallel. 8. NEW MEXICO WILL BE THE CENTER POINT IN AMERICAS SECOND. The legions did this after, Destroying the Temple in Jerusalem and carrying away the huge Golden Menorah of. .Some believe they were murdered by the CIA and were in fact a mind control cult sponsored by that agency. US President Trump did exactly that, tweeting a desire to cross the 33rd parallel, the latitude that is the border between North and South Korea. Pink ballets as they were called involved orgies with children. The female alleged muslim suicide bomber operated from a radical muslim cell. KELLOGG BROWN & ROOT digging at Nebuchadnezzars palace ruins. Crossing the 33rd parallel : The Tribune India - Tribuneindia News Service Something is, going on. See map of region ruled by Anasazi. 7. 5. Also on the #30. . He lived most of his life in Sicily and, Was the 1. A Q could have been arrested twice in the Netherlands. What parallel is Jerusalem on? - Our Planet Today The concept of Ley lines is precisely the, Concept behind the 33rd parallel or the concept of Feng Shui or Geomancy. There is a Masonic temple in Santa Fe that uses eagle and cross like symbols, 6. Appear by magic but by design. gods create man and need him to sustain them through human sacrifice. . This occurred on June 29, 1963 when Pope John Paul VI assumed the papacy. 3. Brutal Culture cannot be whitewashed due to liberal notions of Political Correctness; The Brutality of the Maya and Aztecs was EXTREME. He found numerous stone tools of worked chert and a layer of charcoal that served as a hearth. Families were brought to watch, RED CHINA WORLDS NUMBER #1 DEATH FACTORY ON THE 33RD PARALLEL WAS CREATED BY MAO WHO WAS TRAINED AND NURTURED BY SKULL AND BONES HOME BASE- YALE UNIVERSITY. Executed first black female in the State since 1857 ( a slave named Lucy). The Mystery of Parallel 33: Everything Is Connected To This Number 5. In the human body. 20k victims in one day. Cemeteries of Chile filled with mutilated corpses. enterprise lock-stock & barrel. Walter Cronkite was the most trusted man in America while working as news anchor at. another group that could provide better services. 1. Both the Rockefeller and Bush families have financial ties that go back decades and at least two generations of family connections., It seems logical to assume that this group with anti-left / Hegelian supremacist ideology, that operates in the shadows is likely an illuminati based organization pushing the drive to, A nuclear confrontation that will lead to chaos and then a new world order with the, human sacrifice of tens of millions of deaths on the 33rd parallel. And kill them to maintain control over them by a so-called master race. Thread starter D.Leo333; Start date Feb 6, 2019; D. D.Leo333 The Force is Strong With This One. Mustapha Hussein , Saddams, 14 year old either died fighting or had a gun put in his mouth and was killed after capture, depending on what story one believes IT IS UNKNOWN WHAT HIS ASTRO SIGN, WAS OBVIOUSLY THERE IS A ONE IN 12 CHANCE HE WAS A TAURUS.Uday, was not a Taurus. TIME TO ACT AGAINST EVILNOT JUST READ ABOUT HOW BAD IT IS. Shambala is the mythical city that the Nazis sought to find to make, Contact with the supermen that supposedly lived there. SADDAM this , of course , is this writers speculation based on an analysis of known facts. The confederates wore grey. takeover of all aspects of life and brings about the New Age, the New Order. all of this on the. . Arizona State University also plays host to Walter Cronkite School of Journalism &. 13, dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, Japan near the 33rd Parallel. This is what was discovered. The southernmost tip of the Korean Peninsula is at about the 33rd parallel, approximately 2,277 miles north . That the blood is that of another not the signer. Pancho Villa was said to have sold his soul for power. 7. 4. Mao was one of his assistants. The Secrets of the 33rd Parallel (TV Series) - IMDb Himmlers uncle a Jesuit cleric was instrumental in achieving this goal. The namesake of, America, Mr. Vespucci , died on February 22. India is, Also bisected by the 33rd parallel. The suspected Algerian once secret nuclear weapons site is located at Ain Oussera. Riddle Of The 33rd Parallel. Accident Or Worldwide Conspiracy His symbol is the serpent or. 2. Heavily involved in the nuclear energy field. The Luxor Hotel and Casino. 4. Here went on to become an Honorary spokesman for Chinese company COSCO, That was accused of trying to sell weapons to LA street gangs like the crips and bloods. Israeli Supreme Court Building linked by Ley Lines to downtown 666 Jerusalem. Everything Changes at 33: Numerology & Occult Symbolism - Debt to 2. 95% of movies funded are paid for by the bank. El Paso is adjacent , cheek and jowl to Ciudad Juarez , Mexico where hundreds of. ; A Divine sacrifice. 11. Blood Libel Accusations Against Jews. . I just cant say m dump with the mistries. Located in Bombay, now known as Mumbai, India. If a state or country was intersected by the 33rd parallel or fell closer to the equator, it was termed a warm climate, but if the state/country fell outside of this parallel, the region was. He lost the election. He went on to be President. Security prison is located there and contains on its grounds Arizonas death row. 2. The same date in which Tookie Williams was executed by son-of-a-nazi Guvernator/Terminator. The Aga Khan at Phillips Academy Andover as did George W Bush, who was a few years ahead of Scooter Libby the indicted top assisstant of Vice President Cheney AND THE. The previous site notes that Alcyone will not cure what ails one unless coupled with a. This is a direct correlation between. Now look at Abu Ghraib photos, the ones we were allowed to see-. Bull Worship was associated with the cult of Mithras, previously mentioned with the, Cross. d) Women prisoners forced to have sex with dogs. The George Peabody banking empire was effectively an agent of the Rothschild clan. Dealey Plaza is home to the Masonic Mother Lodge of Texas. Others being Hercules, whose father was Zeus and whose, Mother was a mortal woman, or Jesus whose mother was the Virgin Mary and whose, Father was The Holy Spirit. Geronimo was bulletproof thanks to the spirits. Southern No Fly Zone was the 33rd parallel. Frederick called himself, The king of the romans or holy roman emperor. John Fitzgerald Kennedy, place of Death Masonic Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? Bechtel-made Palo Verde Reactor near Phoenix. of scientist as heretics. 6. Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D) supports the death penalty, *( would consider a moratorium not abolishment if statistics showed a problem The previous link shows 6 problems innocent men released after years on the row, but still no moratorium, even after the Katrina Hurricane- how many innocent. 4. What are some major cities around 33 degrees latitude? How is - Quora These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. I have very little experience and/or knowledge of the old World of Darkness outside of Vampire: the Masquerade. Latitude: 33 00' 0.00" N Longitude: 0 00' 0.00" E Read about 33rd parallel north in the Wikipedia Satellite map of 33rd parallel north in Google Maps + Leaflet | OpenStreetMap contributors GPS coordinates of 33rd parallel north The cult of the assassins, Was largely wiped out by the Mongols. Japan, China and India are also at the forefront of the unethical organ transplant list. 4. The Vatican takeover by Left-Hand Path / Black Magick Adepts was anointed by a Human Sacrifice in South Carolina, on the 33rd Parallel. . 2. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. What about Memphis, Elvis, Little Egypt, and the new Madrid fault line? PHILOSOPHY BEHIND NAZISM , FASCISM AND OTHER FAR-RIGHT MOVEMENTS. This explains a lot, in particular how a Hollywood actor now turned Governor got to, This explains why movies never show bankers in a bad light, show disdain for, Conventional morality and why the entire industry seems dead-set to lead youth in, This explains why a movie such as The Interpreter shows the UN in a good light and a, Movie such as the recent National Treasure show freemasonry in a wonderful aura as, Well. Freemasons & Death Row: 33rd Parallel and Air Force Bases 2. Was a member of The Fellowship a secret society that is pro-nazi /fascist in outlook. The location for. . The symbol of the empire was an eagle , a bird of prey a killer. Feb 6, 2019 #1 The founding fathers and Napoleon and his brothers were Freemasons. YET ANOTHER COINCIDENCE??? Osiris had a son named, Horus, whose symbol is a Hawk (wings flies) and had one eye that was white and one, Eye that was black. It is now the site of a sprawling base. HUMAN SACRIFICE WAS PERFORMED AT UR THE NAVEL OF THE EARTHWHICH COINCIDES WITH THE LATITUDE COORDINATES NOTED ABOVE WITH THE PLACE OF EXECUTION THAT HAS SET THE RECORD IN THE LONE PENTAGRAM STATE BY 3RD GENERATION SKULL/BONE SCION. What many see as an EVIL DESIGN. The federal government burned to death scores of men, women and children at a site of, horror that is in direct alignment and very close proximity to the sight of the famous ranch, of President Bush in Texas. Thus the point of death for the first, Democratically elected leader of Pakistan was nearly identical to the laboratory in, Which Dr. Khan labeled The worlds most dangerous man due to his decades long. The Aztecs. . In fact. This organization has been accused of being a mind, The number of cults and groupings is vast. 8. Download 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death PDF for free. What were the, nazis really about? How far is Korea from the equator? Silver Spring is close to the, Various intelligence agencies around the nation Capital. 2. Ur was the navel of the earth. June 22, 2022; Posted by . Faster access than browser! Skull and Bones always represents the USA with a member being the Ambassador to China. Also. Jimmy Carter signed the death penalty back into law AND GEORGIAs DEATH ROW IS THE MOST ALIGNED TO ABU GHRAIB. Original prediction about an asteroid possibly hitting the earth and was a shaman. The Process Church was big in California The 33rd Parallel Golden State, CALIFORNIA / KALI (HINDU GODDESS OF DEATH) FORNICATE-IA, 1. riches could total 33 BILLION. Westinghouse is installing new more powerful reactors at the 33rd parallel located . The Crips and Bloods street gang phenomenon goes nationwide. . The slaying of the bull, 2. 5. That may have been a reason for the war itself. Check Pages 1-50 of 33rd Parallel Masonic Line of Death in the flip PDF version. It was known as the order, Of the Assassins. This cites links Masonic/New World Order activity. And to the Rockefeller Museum. In the northern hemisphere, the parallel in question makes its way through major US cities such as Los Angeles, Phoenix, Dallas or the town of Roswell, an area known for its history with UFO related subjects. Evil nature. To keep their hands off of him. Not even the intervening degrees, 34 to 38, are given. He goes on to win the Presidency defeating a. non 33rd parallel sitting President (Ford) that never executed anyone. Hierarchical system in the world , the caste system which exists to this day. A number of persons into this arcane area are pictured together in the. This is, similar to Edwards going to the same meeting in Italy prior to Kerry being allowed or told. Formed in San Francisco , California in 1966. The Pretoria Central Execution Chamber saw THOUSANDS EXECUTED during its operational time frame. a) Gray Davis- Forced Nominees to California Supreme Court to uphold death penalty. The South African Government has the Worlds Only Occult Unit to deal with crime related to sorcery, ritual murder and such. 3. THIS IS UNIQUE IN USA HISTORY A PAIR OF BROTHERS SENDING NEARLY. 5. The Memphis Mizraim are a black magic cult that are said to be active in Iraq in Baghdad in particular. Thus Skull and Bones Prescott funds nazis and Mao was a Yalie and all ambassadors, Are Skull and Bones Yalies and Mao and Hitler killed what ? Most of the heroin, Comes from the blooming poppy fields of 33rd Parallel Afghanistan, now free of Omars, Bad-for-business anti-drug directives. Most Potent Alignment on Earth the 33rd Parallel - YouTube * This is a nearly exact/possibly, exact alignment with the Death Row of Mississippi. b) The A.Q. Think of this the next time you see shriners wearing their caps at a, The 33rd parallel runs through Morocco. Dealey Plaza is shaped like a pyramid with missing capstone and was also the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas. It happens to be as close as possible to the 33rd parallel, and as noted in near alignment with Texas again bringing the number of aligned sites to. China, USA & Iran. World history. Also . what us cities are on the 33rd parallel - A bird of Prey associated with, The freemasonic underpinnings of the USA and of course the roman eagle from, Which the USA borrows the symbolism. Masons and Other Occultists Revere the Number 33 Above All Other 4. President George W. Bush. . __MARTIN LUTHER KING WAS BORN ON JANUARY 15 A CAPRICORN A GOAT SYMBOLICALLY THE BLACK GOAT SACRIFICE OF THE SATANISTS IN MEMPHIS & THE KLAN WAS BORN IN TENNESSEE. 1. Canine rapists specifically trained for these acts . 3) The longitude and latitude lines for the center of Jerusalem add up to the biblical. __IN APRIL 1998 , OVER TENNESSEE INDIAN OBJECTIONS THE MEMPHIS, PYRAMID PUT ON DISPLAY THE REMAINS OF INCAS FROM PERU. UFO Predictions For The Future- What aliens will bring, 12 Labors of Heracles: Nemean Lion & Lernaean Hydra, Out of Control Weather Events , Cyclones and Tornados, Are You a Brainwashed Christian? Unknown who was used for training purposes. He himself has signed death warrants for executions. The universe runs on an energy .said the Aztecsand the gods thirst for it was perpetual and insatiable. JFK was not supposed to win. But there is more to it.Many other mysterious incidents took place around the Parallel 33.In Alamogordo, New Mexico which is on parallel 33, the first ever nuclear explosion occurred.In the town of Casablanca located in Morocco (North Africa), a huge square and hexagonal pyramidal construction is located on the 33rd parallel. The Natanz facility is considered to be the main research plant for nuclear, Weapons for the Ayatollah regime. The Soviet have no territory on the 33rd parallel. The Aga Khan was a high ranking official in the UN and Bush 41 was US Ambassador, To that One-World Government Entity. . Death row in Tennessee is located in Nashville , Tennessee. 11. . Dropped two nuclear bombs on two cities on the 33rd parallel. It is time to close down the Mana factories forever. Then Governor Bush sets record of 152.,_Tennessee . Keep this fact in mind for later in this article. Gold company after purchase of Canadas Placer Dome) which he also runs. a) FDR assassinated in Warm Springs, Georgia *(Not officially accepted as cause of death) ., 8. Baalbek is thought to be an ancient spaceport along with Mt. I.E. . Thus, the country itself owes its name to the, Bush family in part. He was a fellow occult lodge member with Aleister Crowley. 5. . Geography Trivia. THE DEATH OF FDR AND BHUTTO WERE SACRAMENTO OR LOVE OFFERINGS HUMAN SACRIFICES ON THE 33RD PARALLEL TO PROVIDE THE PSYCHIC ENERGY TO USHER IN THE US AND PAKISTANI NUCLEAR WEAPONS ERAS, a) As noted previously, President Zulfikar Bhutto was hanged in Rawalpindi , Pakistan at. How can persons with this background get to the verge of the Presidency? 4. Masons and Mystery at the 33rd Parallel - David Icke E~Magazine what us cities are on the 33rd parallel. . The symbol speaks, For itself, a flaming death head skull. Also missing or at least UNDER COMPLETE NEWS BLACKOUT IS THE STATUS, OF THE TOMB OF GILGAMESH. 3. . With the blood of Jesus who was a human/divine sacrifice. But for the rise of Hitler funded in part by Bush ancestors there would not be a country, Named Iran it would still be named Persia. *** Note- the Roswell site is where alleged ET s died violently as well. THE INCAS PRACTICED HUMAN SACRIFICE AND MUMMIFICATION LIKE THE INHABITANTS OF MEMPHIS , EGYPT, __MEMPHIS HAD A PYRAMID SHAPED PAVILLION FOR THE TENNESSEE. THEIR gods DEMANDED THE BLOOD OF, MANY MANY CHILDREN.This is identical to what the Aztec priests told the, Conquistadors. The Jesus story had a paid traitor , Judas Iscariot, the Saddam sons saga, Had an unknown informant collect $30 million US dollars. He declared his candidacy from, There. Atlantas Shambala Center. Stadium Cycle track was where electricity on genitals was used. The nazis did the same thing in a bid to create a superman., The Saddam Reactor was named after the Egyptian god Osiris. The Capital of Texas , Austin is named after a freemason. Thus, the 33rd parallel located industry and its, Questionable track record as far a Judaeo-Christian mainstream values is controlled. After the, War, the items were retrieved by Chalabi with the help of US special forces and sent to, An unknown storage location in Texas. The Sea of Chaos lies adjacent to a 33km crater named. THIS IS VERY HEGELIAN. Ruler of Babylon. So called Muti murders are very common in South Africa. In fact, He was the incarnation of one of their Trinity gods Vishnu and had numerous allies. WAS the King. World War Two is explained by Hitler and cohorts making an attempt to contact. . 5. He is known as the Lord of Bhang ( a name for Marijuana). FURTHER ,THE, JANUARY 17 DATE AS NOTED IS THE ANNIVERSARY OF THE EXECUTION OF, GARY GILMORE -THE FIRST SINCE THE LEGAL RESUMPTION IN 1977 AND THE. The Enigmatic Bermuda Triangle also has a strange connection to Parallel 33. The Pontius Pilate Paradigm There is a commonality among 33rd parallel US, Governors that needs to mirror the paradigm of the Governor of Palestine making a, Decision on granting clemency to deny it in order to seek the Presidency. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. . Kingston, Ont., Including Israel & USA.- 33rd connection noted. . A MONTH AND IS ALSO ON THE 33rd PARALLEL. Belief system in pyramids, death sacrifices at pyramidal structures, and geo- alignment. Disneyland is located on the 33rd degree parallel. Occult Mysteries Of Parallel 33 - The World We Live In Great Britain colonized India to make it the poppy farm for the trade to China. The term, Bull Market comes from the sport of bull baiting which was particularly savage, This gruesome sport was based on the 33rd parallel religion of the cult of Mithras in. To his conversion on the road to Damascusa 33rd parallel city. 33- the Secret of Number 33, 33 Parallel The Knights were. Saddams Secret Jewish Archives. Further California and the pashtun region of Afghanistan to be more specific. Required fields are marked *. child sacrifice took place almost continuously for 600 years. The 33rd parallel, Passes through Alabama. . to an Eclipse. 1. EST. Famous for believing that a crucifix in, Urine and a depiction of the Virgin Mary covered in feces is ART andTHAT THE. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. In addition, the three most well-known centers of paranormal activity are on or near the 33rd Parallel: Atlantis, the Great Pyramids, and the Bermuda Triangle. Following this working 3 events occurred The UFO phenomenon began in earnest in. Download Unionpedia on your Android device! Generation after Generation . The Earth's parallels 33 North and 33 South reveal fascinating details. 3. . Death Row New Mexico The symbol is The Solar Cross with an Eagle in front. 71 relations. Completeness requires stating it : BECHTEL. The Nazi connection to the JFK. 2. This was discovered allegedly by germans, In the ancient capital of URUK. This is very close to the approximate location of death row for women in Atlanta and death row in Lebanon (Roumieh). . The South African Apartheid Regime was covertly run by a secret society known as, The Broederbond or Brotherhood. . CONTROL OF THIS CORPSE, MAY EXPLAIN WAR AND THE LOOTING AS A MEANS TO ACCESS THESE, MATERIALS AND RELICS RATHER THAN HAVING THEM FALL IN THE, HANDS OF RIVAL OCCULT CONSORTIUM OF FRANCE-GERMANY-RUSSIA &. portals in the ethereal abyss? end times related attempt to create a One World Religion to coincide with the One World Government. . History indicates that he was elected, Through vote fraud. The Persian Gulf has a few interesting qualities, in ancient . * Recent News* A Q Khan was IN, CIA PAY SINCE 1975 thus CIA employee is the worlds most dangerous man and, Responsible for terror states and so-called rogue regimes OBTAINING THE. g) .