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Coimetrophobia is the overwhelming fear of cemeteries and can bring on negative physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness and even a full-on panic attack. Kit, We help you determine what your dashboard warning lights mean. Keep up to date with all the latest celeb news with our swish app. its funny, now wont even use a cup at my house, i just drink out of the faucet. Dont think that if you dont have a name for it that it makes the fear less likely to overcome, that is a silly idea. If it doesnt, avoid touching your bones as much as you can. OK, so maybe this phobia is onto something. Kristen, while there could be a phobia element in this, it sounds as if you are suffering from OCD. it doesnt matter if its a family member a boyfriend or just a friend. Liticaphobia Fear of lawsuits. Worst case scenario for an eisoptrophobe: Please advise. Psychrophobia Fear of cold. If this is problematic for you or it interferes with you ability to cope with daily life, see a professional. If so please let me know. Jonathon, without further info, I am not going to assume to know how your mind is processing these things. Odontophobia Fear of teeth or dental surgery. So you can imagine what happened when Kylie went out to London Zoo and ventured into the butterfly exhibit. If so that may not be a phobia. Does anybody know of a fear/phobia of infestation, or fear of being overrun or controlled? The fear of interviews is called the "interview anxiety.". Dana, not all fears are phobias. Geliophobia Fear of laughter. The question is not if these exist or do you have them, it is what will you do to work through them. Is there a name for it? Is there a fear of everyone leaving and forgetting about you? Hypnophobia Fear of sleep or of being hypnotized. Not every fear has a name and the human nervous system can fear pretty much anything. Reviewed by Shannon Martin, Licensed Insurance Agent. The actresses has revealed that she not afraid of the airplane, Im afraid of me on the airplane and losing control of myself. But he ' s not the only star with a major fear. Routing number of commercial bank of Ethiopia? A person with mysophobia might also be called a "germaphobe". . Thanatophobia or Thantophobia Fear of death or dying. Probably, but if you are looking to place a name on it, we dont have it hear. So much so that shes even acted on her fear of flying in the past, going so far as to shout that the plane was going down whilst on a flight. I tried not to think about it until i told em friend my room was messiah but what was bothering me was that stain it was gross. Linn, not certain if there is a name for this fear, but clearly you may want to see someone to help you resolve this, especially if it has been going on for a while or if it is getting worse. Mechanophobia Fear of machines. Sorry I cant give you a better answer, Is there a fear of going deaf? Metallophobia Fear of metal. Has your phobia improved, and if so, how? So all it would take is a fall on any city street resulting in eye/gum contact for terminal eye gonorrhea to take hold. that is a phsychological trigger to a traumatic event in the past, not a phobia. Bacon admitted that he even turned down an M & M commercial because his wife would never have approved! Find the latin word for tea or spilling tea, add phobia and you will have your name, I suffer with Generalised Anxiety Disorder and I have a fear of opening doors or answering phones, I go into complete panic mode, is there a name for this? A job as a janitor at a middle school. I cant bear telling my school, as I fear my teacher may mock me. Is there a fear of being watched while youre sleeping ? Phobia? Again, there can be a fear of anything. Even if you had a name for it, you would say it and no one is going to know what it is unless you tell them. Hello, I have a friend who behaves oddly whenever part of his body goes numb such as when he sits too long. If there isnt a name for it there should be because it exists and should be recognized as more than just a form of OCD, because it seems as if they dont just need to lock it for the sake of locking it, but rather are afraid of who or what could come through that door or what could happen if left open. but i do wish that i could stop all of my OCDs(i got like 4 of them), Nothing changes by doing nothing. Whether other people do is a different story because they may think a fear has to be of a certain level for it to be a phobia. I got a question: Whats it called when youre afraid of stories not being real? compos mentis means control of the mind. Worst case scenario for a coulrophobe: Suddenly, you feel an uneasiness giving way to terror, but you're not sure why. I have a fear of sitting with my back to the door. Coke was originally supposed to make you smarter or something. My little sister is basically living that nightmare because shes 4/5 years old and my dream was about my mom and dad shouting at each other, my dad too loud and my mom too quiet. Achluophobia- Fear of darkness. Dysmorphophobia Fear of deformity. Is there a word for the fear of people you care about being in danger and you not being able to do anything about it? Her audience remarkably showed 100 percent compliance with either initiative, patiently awaiting further edicts. Apiphobia Fear of bees. Phobias, however, go beyond normal fear and are irrational. Well, you'll feel a hundred times better about yourself when you see some of the strange phobias that celebrities suffer from. It is a fear, however whether it is solely a fear or contains other components I cannot tell from the info given. That you feel paranoid adds another layer of complexity to this. Is medication the best way to overcome a phobia? Dementophobia Fear of insanity. It may be a phobia if it is unrealistic. It usually worsens gradually, starting from little dislike to extreme fear of the object. Is there a fear of someone from the past? Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia Fear of spiders. Also does anyone have any advice for someone with social anxiety and fear of making mistakes and being wrong? Apotemnophobia Fear of persons with amputations. Sure there is. For you the illusion of happiness could be achieved by obtaining certain things. much appreciated, Noah, Noah, if this is a one time event, regardless of how real it was for you, then it could come from numerous reasons and hopefully it will just be something that happened. Ornithophobia Fear of birds. Find someone in your area to work with if you can. If I eat something sticky or something sticky gets on my skin and I cant get it off of me, it basically freaks me out. Dishabiliophobia Fear of undressing in front of someone. Worst case scenario for a lepidopterophobe: Isopterophobia Fear of termites, insects that eat wood. (Please mention the phobia name as well. But i was getting my hair highlighted and it was my mum. Acousticophobia Fear of noise. So, to say that such phobias only happen because there is a fear that no trauma might trigger such fear, is incorrect. This is more likely to be OCD, obsessive compulsive behavior, which has a whole lot of other attributes connected to it. Stephen Kings IT might have exacerbated the fear of clowns in the hearts and minds of Americans. Agyrophobia Fear of streets or crossing the street. Salute to Charli also! The model and reality star revealed on her website that she's terrified of anything with small holes: honeycomb and mousse included. If they only happen once in a great while, great, you may choose to just live with it. Five of the most common phobias include arachnophobia (the fear of spiders), ophidiophobia (the fear of snakes), glossophobia (the fear of public speaking), acrophobia (the fear of heights), and social phobia (the fear of social interactions). The DSM-5: Classification and criteria changes. Find someone to work with that can help you adjust your over attachment to others when you get in a relationship with them, to help with the black and white perspective you take. As to OCD, many people only have the fear or obsession of a singular thing, like doors being locked. I never learned how to say, Oops, I didnt know that! Its amazing how crippling it is. Not only on me, but on others too. Somehow, gum made out of tree bark is still softer than Bazooka. Luckily, I also have a sense of humor and enjoyed some of the wackier phobias in the list. Atychiphobia Fear of failure. Actually, chiclephobia seems more focused on the fact that used chewing gum is really, really gross, a resilient vector of diseases carried in the mouth. In the olden days, many people were supposedly mistakenly buried alive when their bodies went into a state of deathlike rigidity stemming from certain illnesses. Famous Chromophobes: On top of being an admitted chromophobe, he has a recorded history of fearing plastic cutlery, as well as antique furniture. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. (Phobia is obviously fear of). but Im scared to be gay!! I will lay awake for hours & barely move a muscle out of fear of a shadow in a corner . Was there a fear of spilling tea in those cultures, I doubt it, but that is not how phobias are named. Find someone to work with who specializes in transforming fears. Any famous people that have pyrophobia (fear of fire)? The actual fear. Look of the word and then phobia at the end. Others are PTSD oriented and some are just simple phobias. Ombrophobia Fear of rain or of being rained on.. Well, I dont know if its a phobia or not.. Melissophobia Fear of bees.. They all come under fear of furniture which phobia is called Epiplaphobia. I suggest you talk to someone about this who can help you unravel what is behind this fear. Johnny Depp played The Mad Hatter who looked like a Clown so I dont buy it unless it was Therapy. Maybe someone else can answer this one. I always found mold a bit gross but I did not want to think my room had mold in it and my sister joked about it that it was mold. Amychophobia Fear of scratches or being scratched. I need help, I cant seem to find the name of my phobia anywhere but I know it has to be common. -Ana. If you cant find anyone, give us a call at 866-718-9995 and we can possibly narrow this down a bit for you, Is there a name for fear of closing eyes when alone in a room, Especially at night. What is the fear of breaking a toe? Many people feel repetitive behavior is like a phobia because there is a fear driving it, like in your example, something bad will happen. Contreltophobia Fear of sexual abuse. Urophobia Fear of urine or urinating. It may very well be more complicated, but if this is something that impacts your life enough, then see a therapist so the details can be uncovered and it can get resolved. Do u know if there is a name for this phobia? Eva Mendes is not the only celeb who suffers from the fear of water, also known as aquaphobia. I have a phobia of not knowing whats behind me and wil sometimes stand by a wall so i dont turn around all the time. Even if you have a name but hardly anyone knows what it means, it is not helpful. Hierophobia Fear of priests or sacred things. While putting a label on fears can be interesting, what is of real value is knowing how to deal with the fear you have and taking the steps needed to overcome them. I got this fear from watching Luther on Netflix aha. Hi. Hagiophobia Fear of saints or holy things. A phobia is an anxiety disorder involving excessive and persistent fear of a situation or object. Or try to help me. Phobia means fear and the possibility exists in any of us that anything can be feared. Electrophobia Fear of electricity. I dont like when my hands get wet. Contents. This is a huge problem in my life because it makes me insane. I wouldnt get to hung up on a name of this, this the mind can be fearful of almost anything. Others have numerous obsessions or compulsions. Having a physical reaction to certain ideas, sounds, events or images could be a phobia, but I am guessing you can be pretty sensitive to numerous things; they just dont give you these overwhelming sensations. Psychology has compiled thousands of phobias, to the poi Articles CATEGORIES Im scared of talking to unknown people or you can say unknown people kinda irritates me. Is there a name for the fear of anything/everything having to do with the medical field? So if my husband is across the room and asks me to throw him the remote control, I have a panic physical reaction. Menophobia Fear of menstruation. I have had this fear since a child. Not enough information to really give you a better answer. Fear of road sweepers ?? I wished I could fly around the world to escape the night. No one in my family tried to help me unfortunately, so make sure you go to therapy to get it fixed rather than not like me. Once you become better at noticing these thoughts, you can then work on replacing them with more positive, helpful thoughts. Sigmund Freud had pteridophobia, which is the morbid fear of ferns. (Achluophobia) Nomatophobia Fear of names. Getting grossed out is not necessarily the same as a fear. Melophobia Fear or hatred of music. If you are looking to stop your fears and overcome your phobias once and for all; Designed Thinking can help change the ways your fears are process. It is frequently used in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but can also be effective in the treatment of a variety of other mental health conditions including phobias. (Baddest of Them All)' on iTunes. Is there a name for it? This sounds as if you dont trust your ability to deal with loss or hurt, which could exist for numerous reasons. Acarophobia Fear of itching or of the insects that cause itching. By Kendra Cherry Many things referred to as phobias are not really phobias. When like I forget something so obvious or lose track of intelligent conversation or I fail a simple(thats how I see afterwards) test, I feel this discomfort on my chest. I dont know if there is such a word, but very often this type of thinking can lead to other problems of low self esteem, obsessions, etc. Kynophobia- Fear of rabies. Maybe phone therapy sounds more appealing then person to person sessions. For instance, did you know there's staurophobia (fear of crosses), chionophobia (fear of snow), dishabiliophobia (fear of undressing in front of someone), gnosiophobia (fear of knowledge), or even lutraphobia (fear of otters)? Scopophobia or Scoptophobia Fear of being seen or stared at. Getting a label for your situation will probably have you doing lots of research on the disorder, which you hope will help you in finding a way to cope with it, but in reality will probably do very little in making you feel better or changing your situation.