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Corporate Support Team 0000578261 00000 n The road into Leamington is signed as a primary route but most maps show it as non-primary. Balsall Common I look forward to your substantive reply. Webfirst phase of the A46 Link Road Project. Clarification of the detailed route options under consideration has not been provided. Website +44 1676 Web89 Solihull - Coventry via Meriden, Balsall Common Mondays to Fridays Operator: DIA DIA DIA DIA Notes: BZ BZ BZ COV MZ MZ MZ MZ PC PC Solihull Town Centre (Stop SE) 1400 1625 House Of Fraser (opp) 1400 1625 Solihull School (adj) 1401 1626 School Lane (adjacent) 1402 1627 Oakland Close (opposite) 1403 1628 Solihull By Pass (after) 1404 I have also been unable to disclose a further selection information by virtue of Environmental information Regulation 12(4)(d) in that this information held by Warwick District Council is Material in the course of completion, unfinished documents and incomplete data. The county council has so far failed to respond to our questions seeking explanation for the projects apparent delays. 0000001842 00000 n (1) All information held by the Council regarding the proposal for the A46 Stoneleigh junction to be enlarged to create an interchange roundabout with two bridges over the A46., along with the proposed new major road from there to Warwick University and from there continue to join the A452 Balsall Common road passing along the route of HS2 to form a road link to the NEC and Birmingham Airport. The A46 is a road in County Fermanagh, in Northern Ireland. WhatDoTheyKnow also publishes and archives requests and responses, building a massive archive of information. How would you like your grade separations, Sir. This will include the documentation within which the claimed merits of such a road have been identified, and any evidence claimed to substantiate such merits. Learn how and when to remove this template message,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from September 2016, All articles needing additional references, Infobox road instances in the United Kingdom, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 10:09. Thank you for your email of the 31st August. !ZUWii 0 . In respect of Part 2 attached is a copy of the information that can be disclosed to you, at this time. 0000413524 00000 n 0000329068 00000 n WebThe A452 is a road in England, which runs from Royal Leamington Spa, Warwickshire to Brownhills in the West Midlands. Location, location, location! Milverton Hill Discover - by jaconway88 Thu Apr 05, 2012 00:34, Post Some preparatory works were completed earlier in 2019, and further early environmental works are programmed for early 2020. Other statutory approvals for the scheme, such as planning approval and Side Road Orders, have been secured, whilst the construction contract is currently out to tender., He adds the strategy includes: An extension of the above new road to link to UK Central at Solihull either via a route directly onto the A45 or A452 (referred to as A46 Link Road Phase 3).. westwoodheath You don't have to answer any more questions than you want, and you can go forwards and backwards to see what it covers. %PDF-1.5 This request has been closed to new correspondence. Even now, I urge that the authority stops prevaricating and publishes that information and ceases the avoidable waste of time for the office of the information Commissioner. Links - 1 0 obj OnTheMarket < 14 days Marketed by Ginger - Shirley. That information should be readily to hand and easily identified. It stretches 23.6 miles from Enniskillen to Belleek along the southwestern shoreline of Lower Lough Erne. Imagine what else could be done with all that money! That information has given rise to the further article in the Coventry observer that is online at the following URL. It was part of housing targets for around 30,000 more homes for Coventry in the next decade and nationally driven population growth forecasts. Receive a weekly update to your inbox by signing up to our weekly newsletter. As such it should usually be properly published along with other environmental information that is published spontaneously and unrequested under EIR Section 4. 0000001176 00000 n The information may be held independently by the authority or will be included in communications to or from other public agencies.. The outstanding requirement is for publication of the information now held that relates to any and all of the route options for this road new road proposal. Further, by participating in these meetings, the council clearly regarded the records of those meetings as falling under the terms of EIR 4(4)(b). As previously agreed via email with you the Council has considered your request in two parts: Solihull will be home to the new HS2 Interchange The new road would later extend through Solihull borough towards the new HS2 interchange station, nearby NEC and the UK Central redevelopment scheme around it. These meeting records confirm a deliberate strategy to keep information out of the public domain. From plumbers, to restaurants, we can provide you with all the info you need. 0000582777 00000 n There is a cycle path alongside the dual carriageway (not much use) and the potential to reduce traffic over Gibbet Hill to help buses/cycles. There is an active Facebook group for residents with 475 members. trailer We provide commercial Contact us if you think it should be reopened. Information, stream Balsall Common jN,d.euH%-dl}61I/U~U7[]($cW?Xg\ZtO4N Xyk2\tgn:fM'3w2>Gu7 CP"X}q5$5u/T)U- pAL8^x. That information should be readily to hand and easily identified. Road The ICO guidance provides clear guidance that this is an acceptable approach for this Council where there information is already available. (e) data or summaries of data derived from the monitoring of activities affecting, or likely to affect, the environment; If you are dissatisfied with the response from Warwick District Council, you are entitled to request an internal review. A46 Strategic Link Road There are far fewer lorries now than there used to be. Deputy Monitoring Officer '8@?kEr,4p*w!G.Bg'jb~C$p0g-5.4mZc\UrAR;WA "]Q-`}r@|"On/W+3\>T/h,?sju` JI#+,n]666No# d^O*)` We couldnt load the mail server logs for this message. Houses for sale in Balsall Common Unless the Council hears from you we will proceed with the request on this basis. To include further details of this at this time would disclose its potential contents and in doing this would remove the ability for the work to be completed. It sets an absolute minimum requirement for information to be published but indicates a requirement to additionally publish more widely defined environmental information. I am therefore now re-submitting my request in the same terms as above. WebStation Road, Balsall Common, Coventry CV7. WebPremier Inn Balsall Common (Near Nec) hotel 752 reviews #1 of 2 hotels in Balsall Common Review Save Share 112 Kenilworth Road, Balsall Common, Solihull CV7 7EX England 011 44 871 527 8042 Visit hotel website Check In / / Check Out / / Guests Contact accommodation for availability. Printed from on March 05, 2023 04:29. Published and promoted by Marcia Watson on behalf of the Green Party, both at c/o 6 Waverley Rd, Leamington Spa, CV31 2DF. Unless the Council hears from you we will proceed with the request on this basis. Yours sincerely, Graham Leach Similarly, the published information particularly lacks information about the route options that are being considered for phase 3 of the road proposal. Any complaints will be dealt with under the Councils corporate complaints procedure. Even now, I urge that the authority stops prevaricating and publishes that information and ceases the avoidable waste of time for the office of the information Commissioner. The notes were used in discussions when reports and plans were formulated. 0000579693 00000 n Like or follow our Facebook page - 0000190364 00000 n The entire scheme is dependent on that information so options must have been considered and that information must be held. The proposals, which have caused alarm locally, are part of the A46 link road a three- stage scheme being overseen by Coventry City Council, Warwickshire County Council and Warwick District Council. Deputy Monitoring Officer, Democratic Services, Warwick District Council, Riverside House, Residents in the area are also expecting increased congestion with ongoing road closures and roadworks due to building the HS2 rail line, and with developments at Whitley and the Gateway near Coventry airport. Finally Warwickshire County Council are the lead authority for this matter and they will publish the documents referred in regulation 4 (4) (a) that relate to the A46 link road. In an email to Coun Skinner seen by the Observer, Coventry City Councils head of transport John Seddon suggested part of the scheme was still subject to government funding approval. 0000576501 00000 n Some residents want a bypass due to heavy lorries rattling through the village. However, the information referred to in Article 7(2) of the Directive is as follows: Yours sincerely, Graham Leach A46 If you do not agree with this he should raise your concerns with the Information Commissioner. I have temporarily placed those documents on line at the following link. I would therefore ask that you clarify the information that you are seeking, and the period of time the information should cover. 0000576381 00000 n The request and responses is on line at this link: A follow up and meta-request was submitted on the 3rd August 2016, The initial request was in the following terms, Please provide all information that you hold relating to such a potential new road development. The huge housing development off Stoneleigh Road on former Greenbelt land near Gibbet Hill stretching to Finham in Coventry received planning consent last December from Warwick and Coventry councils. I have been unable to disclose some information to you because it is the personal data of officers and third parties and therefore to disclose it would be contradictory to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. Further along nearer to Belleek the opposite shore has the mountains of County Donegal in view whilst the road is below some of the County Fermanagh mountains. Figure 1: The preferred route - Delib 0000575764 00000 n % They are concerned the new road will simply displace traffic into residential areas including Westwood Heath and Burton Green near Balsall Common in Solihull borough. The A46 road runs along the Ballyshannon Road which has a park on the left called Brooke Park and The Round O. Portora Royal School is on a drumlin to the right of the road continues northwesterly leaving the Enniskillen at Silverhill before heading into the countryside of the Ulster Lakeland, with farms and golf courses and woodland and glimpses of Lower Lough Erne. Perhaps a review of the Councils publication strategy is required? Bedrooms 2; Bathrooms 1; Our website is completely free for you to use but we may receive a commission from some of the companies we link to on the site. Society - The passage of time further weakens the already dubious claimed engagement of the exemptions that have been previously claimed in this matter. Unwind in a lovely quiet area of the Midlands, then zip off and explore business and leisure destinations around Birmingham, Solihull and Coventry. The information may be held independently by the authority or will be included in communications to or from other public agencies..