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I moved from NY to go to flight school. If you are a digital nomad, then please think before coming to this place. Covid killed our TOP 4 other states. Just not sure how to make friends that like to do the things I live for. I regret moving to Florida. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Also, there are the hurricanes. The Pros, Cons and Best Places to Live or Retire in Florida. An overabundance of boomers, critters, sweat and weirdness. Ive been here 2 years and I regret it. This post may contain affiliate links. Thousands of people have damaged their life and property. What happens when that state is no longer "acceptable." Florida, like California, has a climate that allows the park to be open 365 days a year. No one wears a mask and everything is open (currently). Here are ten mistakes I made when I moved to Florida so you don't have to. Then you should know my story. You can go to the beach for a day from just about anywhere you live in Florida. The issues may not all be deal breakers for you, but it is good to know about them before you set forth on a new adventure. I live with my grandparents in this nice 55+ community but I havent been able to really meet anyone my age since Ive been down here. "While Florida has often been among the largest-gaining states, this was the first time since 1957 that Florida has been the state with the largest percent increase in population," Kristie Wilder, a demographer in the Population Division at the Census Bureau, said in a press release. The people here are way too uptight and unfriendly. 40 Best Amazon Prime Benefits to Use in 2022. Who knew? You have to believe me in this, I also got trapped in their marketing advertisements. Pay scales increased a bit but and all cites beautiful areas are crowed, expensive as heck and consistently have in influx for travelers. Jessica S. Saint Petersburg, FL. I love when I see the palm trees as I drive into Florida. The ones that fall on the ground attract lots of bees and other insects. For some reason, Florida seems to attract some really strange people and when you read about some of the crimes they commit it really makes you wonder. I got stung trying to clean them up. There are also the constant rain showers during the summer that may only last 10 to 20 minutes, but will occur at least once every afternoon. The traffic is gross on the belt and van suck any time of day. The most annoying thing is bugs which from nowhere buzz around your ears giving you an awful feeling. This state is continuously growing outward. Feeling real lonely, tried some dating apps to no luck. Therefore, do your research wisely and come to this place and draw your own memories. . Craig Pittman, a native Floridian and journalist at the Tampa Bay Times, literally wrote the book on Florida weirdness: Oh Florida! If you can handle the weather and are able to find a good job in an affordable city or town, then you may enjoy living in Florida. People from New York, California, and Texas visit here and it has increased its annual growth rate of 2.5 % above the national average . Sign up for notifications from Insider! All true Natives of FL will appreciate it. Looking to cool off or ditch those bugs by swimming in the ocean. The feeling of freedom has been associated with nude/free beaches since the 19th century, the freedom to be closer to nature and the joy of being naked in the sun and water is, Read More 10 Best Nude Beaches in Florida (With Dos and Donts)Continue, Are you planning a trip to Orlando in Florida and looking for ideas on how to spend one day in Orlando on a budget? 20. But, worry not this place offers great job opportunities and affordable grocery shopping too. As Miami entrepreneur and New Tropic cofounder Rebekah Monson pointed out in a Twitter thread last month, those who haven't found culture in South Florida simply aren't looking for it. Then they went increasingly bad. By Dan Burrows Water at Floridas beaches isnt always as clean as it looks and the beaches can be closed because of high bacteria counts. I even pray, please let me love it 3. More and more people are moving to Florida, making it a bit less affordable than it once was. Florida is in the crosshairs of many of those deadly and destructive Atlantic hurricanes. Heavy traffic, overuse of land, improper public transportation makes me wonder why I stayed in Florida for 2 years. Introduce yourself to the neighbors, shop and dine locally, and observe the rhythms of life. The house or condo you buy in Florida will be worth more, then less, then more, then less and so on, than you paid. I miss my little city. Florida doesnt have a personal state income tax. If you are happy with just going to the beach and the theme parks, then you should have no problem. But some that have moved to Florida will come to regret the decision and may ultimately move out. Fed up Americans are starting to move to small-to-medium size towns in states like Missouri, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Arkansas, and other countries. I dont want to take a hot bath in the sun when its 94 degrees outside with 95% humidity! We were moving to Indiana. For me, it was always different. year-round. Well thats about 162 Fahrenheit. NY 10036. What was I thinking. 950. Wish us natives good luck! The country is all insects. Businesses pay ALAP (as little as possible) now, and few offer good benefits or retirement plans, if any. Fort Lauderdale, Florida (FL) Comment: Do NOT move here! by Katie This Sunshine State has it all. We have a detailed post on the best places to retire in Florida. Both my wife and and Step-Daughter are from Florida and I am from California but I feel so at home here. This of course can be a pro or con depending upon your perspective). Not buying the Sun Pass. With over 20 million residents and 100+ million tourist a year, driving and parking just about anywhere in Florida can be maddening. Firstly, the Monsoon in August which lasts for only 150 days out of 365 days. Did I say its hot and humid all the time yet? But, live here I advise not too. But, some transplants say, that wears off after initial visits to Florida by your siblings or your adult kids. The constant threat of hurricanes and higher waters were the main reasons why I left Florida.. A: Before moving to Florida, I would recommend you do a bit of research. Bugs with their own zip codes. Do you love or hate living in Florida? : r/florida - reddit By Joy Taylor To each his own but this place is more like purgatory than paradise. Crowded -you cant compare it to NY. Mosquitoes, deer flies, wolf spiders, lovebugs, palmetto bugs, Florida carpenter ants, red fire ants, and a lot more are unwelcome guests in your house. I didnt have to pay state income tax, true but I have to. Published 23 January 23. For those who decide to relocate to Florida without a substantial bank account and a good job, prepare for struggles in life; your opinion of Florida will change forever, and you will find yourself in this forum leaving comments complaining about how awful Florida is, because of poor judgment to move to Florida without doing proper research, being prepared financially and not having a career that can sustain a comfortable lifestyle. I am sick of the sun and heat, its overkill at this point. Prices with housing has since then increased to outrageous amounts as well as rent. The constant heat never really stops and there is always the threat of a hurricane., If you cant stand the heat for too long, then dont move to Florida. That also means that there are virtually no differences in seasons throughout the year, which is something many people from northern states start to miss. but in the end I started craving 4 seasons without the extreems of the Albany winters. Its expensive! Its especially gotten awful during Covid!! It runs from June 1 to Nov. 30 fully half the year peaking in August through October, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Some of it may be justified when considering Californians migrating and a. Its common knowledge that Florida has a lot of alligators. A house that cost $125k a year ago is now $300k. There's absolutely no natural beauty here. From July 2021 to July 2022, Florida's population grew to over 22 million people, according to new Census Bureau data. I wish I could move, but my husbands whole family are all Sarasota natives, and he also has a very good job and has been moving up in positions every year or so. From June to November there is always a fear among Floridians. While living in Florida, youll meet people from all over the US and the world because nobody that lives in Florida was actually born there (OK, thats only about 95% true). Ron DeSantis recently booted a Tampa prosecutor from office after he refused to enforce state abortion laws a move a federal judge declared unconstitutional. Living in Florida 9 Things I Like, 2 Things I Don't - Mama Natural Youll also spend hundreds even thousands of dollars on routine repairs to torn liners and leaky plumbing. I see the trend in the comments! Inc. shares AI, +2.80% surged 18% in premarket action after the enterprise . Found this place randomly on Google. Chances are much higher than you think, that this will happen to you also. Why moving to Florida was a flop idea of mine? House . And if you want your water heated, expect to shell out anywhere from $100 to $600 a month to run a pool heater. These people are trying to discourage more people from moving there. They found that home prices in the most vulnerable coastal areas of Florida have declined 5% to 10% compared to houses in lower risk areas in the state. Be sure to check out our summary of the 16 best places to live in Florida if you want to learn more. Our biggest regret moving to Florida is not knowing how many bugs there really are. To make up for a lack of a state income tax, things like car registration in Florida, a drivers license as well as other fees and sales taxes will probably cost a lot more than where you moved from. I wish people took your advice and stopped moving here. You need to be financial equip and/or land a job before you get there. i just moved to florida and i hate it - People dont know where they belong anymore. Every year during winter when the weather is terrific, there are more and more snowbirds and tourist that make it difficult to drive, shop, eat out, park, go to the beach, etc. Heres some of what we found. And get the actual picture to be like. This will insure for a comfortable transition, into the culture and lifestyle. And those same boomers, now aging, are eager for the tropical Florida sunshine. The way in which this nations unctuous elements tend to trickle down as if Florida were the grease trap under Americas George Foreman grill., Retirees: Heres How to Pay for 5 Common Expenses and Cut Your Taxes While Doing It. But. But dont worry. 9 Reasons I Regret Moving to Florida - Budget Travel Buff Home Sale Prices in the 50 Largest Metro Areas. Living in Sedona, AZ Pros and Cons, 8 Best Small Towns in Texas to Raise a Family in 2023 Safe & Great Schools, The 9 Cheapest and Safest Places to Live in California in 2023, The 8 Best Areas to Stay in San Francisco Without a Car. The underground is filled up with porous limestone which is a natural cache for rainwater. You not only get to experience the warm weather throughout the year, the pristine beaches, and the scenic beauty of nature, but you also get a dose of adventure when in Florida. by Consistent-Pipe4929 Just moved to Florida and now live in a retirement community (I'm 19) I moved from NY to go to flight school. My parents recently just moved there themselves. Has anyone moved to FL away from family and regretted it? Of course, there are more than just financial impacts that come with global warming. One fine morning I made a cup of coffee for myself and went to my backyard. As retirement approaches and the punch of the coming polar vortex is conjuring dreams of warmer temperatures and a lost shaker of salt, you have Florida on your mind. No one wanted to insure us, so we had to use the default state insurer.. "The skin can become tough and leathery," according to the Florida Institute of Neuroscience. The political BS is insane as is the MANY who follow it and actually BELIEVE it! Tourists would crowd the streets and highways while visiting theme parks and beaches during the summer, while retirees and snowbirds may cause the same increases during the winter months. . Many savvy retirees confine outdoor activities, from rounds of golf to leisurely walks, to early mornings when the mercury and humidity levels are still tolerable. I fear even coming here for vacation has been ruined for me. Right. Now he has his sights . Newhouse School of Public Communications and a bachelors degree in communications and theater from Hope College. 60 years ago Florida , California, and other warm, once-desirable states were reasonably populated, affordable, and friendly. There are more than 800 natural springs in Florida. I agree the pay scale sucks and doesnt sinc with the cost of living as claimed but overall I would chose to visit NYC as a summer bird and leave it behind for the rest of the year. As of November, the median home value in Florida had risen 22% over the prior year, per Zillow data, compared to an 12% nationwide increase over the same period. And thats if you can line up any insurance at all. Florida was the fastest-growing state in 2022, per a Census Bureau report. Do you really want to join the graying crowd that made Woodstock a thing? I still get to hear stories from people who were present at that particular time. Pool water is 92 degrees for months when I need it the most. The second is how many of us will see living in Florida after actually moving to the Sunshine State, and living there long enough to learn the cons or downsides and the . The crowd made it clear they want DeSantis to run, even it means taking on former President Donald Trump. Just be sure to skip the hotel and instead rent an Airbnb in a residential area youre interested in, or park that RV you just bought in an RV-friendly place in Florida. If you are thinking about moving to Florida because it will be cheaper than your current situation, you may want to think again. Not perfect, nothing is, but the overall culture is one of kindness, friendliness, and values that match ours. We love the heat, spent an entire summer in Fl when we were considering the move and was fine. I hate living in Florida in the summer.. So heading to Southern Florida is no longer a place to visit just for fun, but a place to go "home" to see the people who matter . You can grow oranges and grapefruits in your yard. Bob has worked as an award-winning writer and editor in the Washington, D.C., market as well as at news organizations in New York, Michigan and California. Go back up north I-95 runs north, dont come back. ), you have the rich and you have the service people, there is no middle class here (Sarasota), my auto insurance doubled, my rent nearly tripled (though it would have not been as bad without the housing bubblethough still worse than Illinois), I needed a mechanic and after going through 4 different mechanics, I just ended up trading my car inthey were all outrageously priced, its just crowded.I feel squished (where I lived in Illinois, I had wide open spaces with lots of room). These groups may receive stronger support and get more short-term benefits compared to future investments that could benefit the greater society, such as new infrastructure, entertainment, or education. Drivers can buy beer at almost every gas station, convenience, grocery an corner store in the state, and many do. Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest on the culture & business of sustainability delivered weekly to your inbox. Yes, I moved to FL from NJ, 1,000 miles away from my family and I regret it. Even as population growth has slowed in the US and turned negative in some states, Florida's population has grown every year since 1946, increasing ninefold from a population of roughly 2 million that year. In 2020, data shows that there is a huge rise in sea level and this is a huge threat to people living near the sea. Transients and awful customer service! Remember those sweaty temperatures we warned you about? 4. Face it, your riff to retire in Florida isnt solely yours. So now for locals like myself, we have a hard time buying and renting! There are real estate tax breaks available for residents that own their home. And second, the warm hot climate. If they do that i think 2 things will happen: 1)he will try to make legislation to force them to stay, then 2)he'll give them whatever they want." As the population grows, more water is taken from the Aquifer as this is the only source of clean drinking water. No less than 100 million people come here to spend their weekends and the roads and airports are always busy. If you ask me if I regret moving to Florida then my answer will be yes.