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Selena was raised without her. The unhappy Lion of the Confederacy monument was removed in August 2021. This browser does not support getting your location. East Oakland Township Cemetery records (Coles County, Illinois) Family History Library . Strange Graves of Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta, Georgia - RoadsideAmerica.com its so rewarding when people come in here and say, I want to thank you for taking care of this, Well, thanks. Immediately after the funeral, family members asked to perform some unique rituals. Cotton merchant; Fulton County commissioner, 1930-31; original owner of the Swan House. Years back, Oaklands office was open most Saturday mornings. Governor of Georgia, 1857-65, during the Civil War; Chief Justice of Georgia, 1868-70; U.S. Researchers suggest that humanitys changing attitudes towards death began to include concessions for unique circumstances, such as the death of a child or a death by accident. Looking forward to your book. Copyright 2011-2022 All rights reserved. We had the reenactment group from Fort Snelling here. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. If I got to the point where it didnt bother me, you shouldnt be in this business anymore cause it should bother you.. The crew, according to Bob, does the bulk of the outdoor work at Oakland Cemetery. 8-year-old boy rewrites 100 years of scientific knowledge regarding plants and insects. Atlanta labor leader who served as mayor of Atlanta for four terms, 1899-1900, 1905-6, 1913-16. Pioneer Decatur and Atlanta lawyer. But that was their tradition. Here are the 8 oldest known graves in the world. Today, he said, a lot of people that we bury are 80s, 90s. And they do more burials then ever of people who lived into their 100s. Def Jam ; U.S. senator, 1873-80, 1891-97; governor of Georgia, 1886-90. Includes the ability to log visits, view logs, save and filter offline Waymarks and use beautiful offline maps! One belongs to Agnes Wooding, who was buried on the original site before the land was purchased by the city from her husband. The reason this counts as a grave and not merely an accident is the significance of the situation. UK's oldest cemetery identified | UK news | The Guardian Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Wolfie Browender and Saint Paul By Bike with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Don, nice to see your word wit. please do share the photo from Marine. Lengthy shadows cast by the late season sun intensified the shapes and textures of the cemetery. Thank you Sheldon. The NCCPT merged with its white counterpart in 1970, and Butler was named as a cofounder of the National Parent Teacher Association. The first recorded grave in Auckland's oldest cemetery, according to Auckland Council records, belonged to nine-year-old William Mason, who was buried on September 13, 1841. Keeping everything looking sharp motivates the small, dedicated grounds crew which includes Bob and Bobby. [3], Mountain View Cemetery is featured prominently in the 2018 film Blindspotting. The cemetery gates are open from 7:30 AM to to 5:00 PM Monday through Sunday, an hour longer until 6:00 PM from March to November 2nd. Historic Oakland Foundation offers two main types of tours: our guided overview tour and special topic tours. Wolfie is a native of the Milwaukee, WI area. 1900-1949 | Burial: Block 22, Lot 1N, Grave 6, Northwestern corner of the cemetery, west of Bell Tower Ridge. Graves: 1. The Mountain View Cemetery is a 226-acre (91 ha) rural cemetery in Oakland, California, United States. Co-winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1920's for a series of articles and editorials about the KKK and the Scopes Monkey Trial. Tours - Oakland Cemetery Oakland Cemetery - Encyclopedia of Arkansas There is 1 volunteer for this cemetery. Oakland Cemetery Find a Grave Pineville Cemetery Find a Grave Pioneer Cemetery Find a Grave Riverview Cemetery Find a Grave Smith Cemetery Find a Grave Snyder Cemetery Find a Grave Snyder Hill Aka Indian Hollow (Glade Twp.) Therefore, with a few exceptions, youll find markers of the common citizenry and prominent and well-to-do intermingled. It would say the person was run over by a street car or a wheel fell off the wagon, and that makes you think, My goodness, back in the day, it was rough., Perusing the records, Bob discovered how arduous the trip from Downtown to Oakland was in the horse and buggy days. The gorgeous Swat Valley contains these 32 sealed graves, belonging to the Dardic peoples, Indo-Aryan settlers whose descendants still flourish in Pakistan today. Saint Paul By Bike Every Block of Every Street , William Schoenrock & Son Monument Company, One Familys Fascinating History at Oakland Cemetery, Improving a Little Corner of the North End, The Largest, Hardest-to-Find Park In Saint Paul, Debregenet Saint Mary Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church, Elmer L. Andersen Human Services Building, Green Line Operations and Maintenance Facility, Paul & Sheila Wellstone Elementary School, Saint Paul Police Department's Impound Lot, Saints Volodymer and Olga Ukranian Orthodox Church, Sergeant James M. Wosika Jr. Memorial Fields, St. Francis-St. James United Catholic School, St. Paul Karen Seventh-day Adventist Church, St. Paul Union Pacific Vertical-lift Rail Bridge, U.S. Bank West Side Flats Operation Center. Gethsemane Cemetery Find a Grave Gethsemane Cemetery Interment Hartmann Family Farm Find a Grave Immanuel Lutheran Church Cemetery Find a Grave Index to gravestones of Stearns County, Minnesota, as of 1974 - 1976 Family History Library Lyman Prairie Cemetery Find a Grave Salem Cemetery Find a Grave Bobs experience with Oakland Cemetery began as a young boy in about 1960, at the family-owned William Schoenrock & Son Monument Company, which was (and still is) across Jackson Street from Oakland Cemetery. Therefore, with a few exceptions, youll find markers of the common citizenry and prominent and well-to-do intermingled. The association they formed still operates the cemetery today. Please try again later. 16/06/2022 . Although that wasnt part of a traditional burial, the grounds crew lowered it. Civil War Cemeteries - New Georgia Encyclopedia 16. Im here to assure you that hes old enough to take over. So Warren stepped aside and Bob became Oaklands general manager. Its such a peaceful oasis, One Familys Fascinating History at Oakland Cemetery, William Schoenrock & Son Monument Company. Gestisci le impostazioni di volontario. With granite came gradual changes in the artwork on markers. Mayor of Atlanta from 1962 to 1970, led the city through a period of significant growth and social change. The Kerameikos region used to be divided by Athens city walls, with the population in the inner walls and the cemetery in the outer. 1 of 7. Grazie per il tuo lavoro volontario presso Oakland United Methodist Church. Burial. Well written, loved your details on both living and deceased. How Indigenous grave robbing took hold in what's now New England The oldest graves in Oakland are located in this section. All of a sudden everybodys going, Wow, Oakland! The hearse would get stuck [in Trout Brook] and the pallbearers would have to push the wheels of the hearse. Cemetery officials approached the city of St. Paul and asked them to build a bridge so that the buggies and the wagons wouldnt get stuck. It has now been transported to museums and research centers for further study. Here is some text about Richards Mausoleum. The first drink of Coca-Cola was sold in his store at Five Points in 1886. The hearse would get stuck [in Trout Brook] and the pallbearers would have to push the wheels of the hearse. Cemetery officials approached the city of St. Paul and asked them to build a bridge so that the buggies and the wagons wouldnt get stuck. One of the biggest involves the Hmong, who in the 1970s began filtering to Saint Paul from the hills of Laos. Continuing with this request will add an alert to the cemetery page and any new volunteers will have the opportunity to fulfill your request. Plot. Rogers was 81 when he died in hospice care surrounded by family. At least 450 skeletons have been excavated from Natufian burial sites, dating back more than 11,000 years. Some bill the old structure unofficially as the oldest one-room African-American schoolhouse in South Carolina. They lost a lot of families to Calvary, Elmhurst, Roselawn, Forest Lawn [Cemeteries]., Jim Moore, the cemetery general manager who hired Bob, labored to reverse Oaklands decline. About Get directions Oakland , Oklahoma , USA Coordinates: 34.09947, -96.78940 Cemetery ID: 2258874 Members have Contributed 118 Memorials 77% photographed 5% with gps About these numbers Photos No additional photos. The caves had been chiseled to make room for the graves, implying not only sophistication but spiritual meaningfulness. 1859-1929 | Burial: Block 269, Lot 1, Jewish Section. When we lived on the east side, Id bring my children here to run around the open lawns by the chapel. She was born to a white father and a mixed-race mother who was of Indian and African American descent. About the time he became a teenager, Bob began working for his dad delivering granite grave markers to cemeteries. Its so rewarding when people come in here and say, I want to thank you for taking care of this, Well, thanks. The land was originally set aside by Fernando Bernardo Antonio Yorba for his family and friends in. Region Texas. They came marching up the main road, all dressed in their uniforms. Bob also holds the title of assistant secretary of the cemetery board, which gives him the legal authority to sign deeds, checks and other paperwork. The story about your grandpa is fantastic! All material by Wolfie Browender unless otherwise noted. Oakland Cemetery - History Atlanta The Charter Township of Oakland is a charter township on the north Oakland County outskirts of Metro Detroit, in the U.S. state of Michigan. Age: 11,500 years Photos larger than 8.0 MB will be reduced. All images are by the author, except where noted. Just a couple of blocks to the south and east are the machinations and sounds of rail lines, a freeway and a legion of industry. cemeteries found in will be saved to your photo volunteer list. By the mid 1970's the former rural garden cemetery built in the 1850's was smack in the middle of one of America's fastest growing cities. As Bob recalls, Warren Johnson was in his 70s and after working at Oakland about three years, he told board members at a meeting, This is ridiculous that Bobs doing all the work, but yet Im here and I dont need to be here. [9], In The Big Wake-Up, a 2009 crime novel by Mark Coggins, the main character in the book, a detective named August Riordan, discovers that Argentine first lady Eva Pern is not at rest in the Duarte family tomb in La Recoleta Cemetery, Buenos Aires, but is actually buried in Mountain View Cemetery.[10]. 10 Oldest Cemeteries in the United States Coles County IL Cemetery Records - LDS Genealogy Hurt Street bears his name. While most deaths would have been seen by these nomadic people as natural and even unavoidable, the death of such a young child seemed to have more significance to them. Many significant Oakland and California historical personages are buried or interred there. Im Beth Naughtons sister Jane-our parents are buried at Oakland as well as my moms parents, and quite a few aunts and uncles, all very close together in a plot across from the office. You can follow his travels throughout Saint Paul on his blog Saint Paul By Bike-Every Block of Every Street at https://saintpaulbybike.com. A Hmong family didnt mean anything to me. Burial: Lot 599, Bobby Jones Neighborhood. It is an alluring, engaging and illuminating respite, no matter where your interests lie. 1847-1928 | Burial: Block 277, Lots 69 and 93, Jewish Hill, Founders of M. Rich Dry Goods, which became one of the largest retail department store chains in the South. Oakland Cemetery; Robert Homer Crocker; Where is Robert Homer Crocker buried? Invalid memorial Cemetery in Oakland, Alameda County, California, Millionaire's Row, Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland, California, Mountain View Cemetery (Oakland, California), Learn how and when to remove this template message, Lucy Adeline Briggs Cole Rawson Peckinpah Smallman, "From the Black Dahlia to Mac Dre: The bodies of Mountain View", "They're 6 Feet Under, But Pioneers Draw Crowds to Oakland", "Famous People at Mountain View Cemetery - Comprehensive List", "Beloved Oakland cemetery, resting place of Kaiser, Ghirardelli and Mac Dre, still off-limits to visitors", http://www.cwgc.org/find-war-dead/casualty/2719634/LIPPI,%20JAMES%20RAYMOND, "California, Oakland, Mountain View Cemetery Records, 18571973, Mountain View Cemetery, Oakland; FHL microfilm 008266227", Biographies of people buried at Mountain View Cemetery by Michael Colbruno, U.S. Geological Survey Geographic Names Information System: Mountain View Cemetery, Leona Canyon Regional Open Space Preserve, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mountain_View_Cemetery_(Oakland,_California)&oldid=1138967939, Burials at Mountain View Cemetery (Oakland, California), Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries in the United States, Tourist attractions in Oakland, California, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from July 2011, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 12 February 2023, at 17:38. Governor of Georgia, 1901-13; known as Little Joe Brown. The grass wasnt cut at Memorial Day. She established a statewide PTA in 1919 and the National Congress of Colored Parents and Teachers (NCCPT) in 1926. In addition to the Old Oakland Cemetery and the Oakland Cemetery, there are two other cemeteries in proximity: the Woodberry-Forest Cemetery and the Madill Cemetery. Oakwood Cemetery, originally called City Cemetery, is the oldest city-owned cemetery in Austin, Texas. 1843-1915 |Burial:Block 8, Bell Tower Ridge. That was incredible. Narrow your results to famous, Non-Cemetery Burials, memorials with or without grave photos and more. We were leaving the realm of the inevitable and journeying to a sense of the meaningful. It all started with the first wooden, There was a time when humans were, well, stinky. Relative of John C. Calhoun. 11 beautiful, historically important Alabama cemeteries More than 70,000 identified graves populate the slopes of the mount, including famous historical figures such as Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, Rabbi Yehuda Hehasid, and Eliezer Ben-Yehuda. visit our staff page. The rapper and actor tragically passed away in April aged 50, a week after he was hospitalised after suffering a heart attack, and its been revealed that Def Jam Recordings footed a bill of over $35,000 to cover the costs of his memorial service. Berry Cemetery near Oakland, Illinois the Oldest Burial Place in Eastern Illinois Internet Archive . Then Bob said he was told, They would like to see the vault cover put on. We put the vault cover on., Is that alright if they throw some dirt there? This period, called the Mesolithic, is not unknown to us. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Instrumental in bringing the Augusta Institute (now Morehouse College) to Atlanta and in the founding of Spelman College. Thanks very much for reading and commenting. I went from foreman, then superintendent, from superintendent to general manager, which he remains today. Its just historic. Founder, Jacobs chain of drug stores. So, Bob chose to continue working at Oakland, becoming full-time and gradually earning promotions. In his 1876 book A History of the City of Saint Paul, and of the County of Ramsey, Minnesota, John Fletcher described Oakland Cemetery as that beautiful and well-managed city of the dead.'. Burial: Block 296, Lot 2, Grave 2, East Hill. Lieutenant General, C.S.A. Julia Collier Harris was the daughter of Charles Collier, a former Mayor of Atlanta. Bidra, skapa och upptck gravplatser frn hela vrlden. He became an attorney in Atlanta and co-founder and co-designer of the Augusta National Golf Club, site of the annual Masters Tournament. Stay up to date on stories, events, and preservation efforts. While not technically a grave in the traditional sense, the remains of a house near the Tanana River in Alaska yielded a fascinating discovery: the nearly 12,000-year-old ashes of a young child. It was established in 1863 by a group of East Bay pioneers under the California Rural Cemetery Act of 1859. I had the good fortune to spend close to an hour conversing with both Bobby, then Bob Schoenrock. Please enter your email and password to sign in. Death date. With such a lovely setting, I thought Bob might have a tough time naming his favorite place at the cemetery. Stearns County MN Cemetery Records - LDS Genealogy Among the efforts he and Bob undertook were to convince members of the cemetery board of directors to raise money to buy a couple new lawnmowers. Too much family is a problem and I didnt want to interfere.. In Israel, the Mount of Olives is the holiest cemetery and contains some of the region's oldest graves. But its no less breathtaking for it. It is an alluring, engaging and illuminating respite, no matter where your interests lie. Please ensure you have given Find a Grave permission to access your location in your browser settings. The cemetery board hired world-renowned Chicago-based landscape architect Horace W.S. Add Photos Cemeteries Region North America United States of America Oklahoma Marshall County Oakland Old Oakland Cemetery They were simply graves, in the oldest sense, used for significant burials but out of necessity rather than tradition. Chapel of the Pines Crematory, Los Angeles. Its starting to look nice.. O akland Cemetery is the final resting place of more than 70,000. A system error has occurred. Age: 11,700-13,700 years Im here to assure you that hes old enough to take over. So, Warren stepped aside, and Bob became Oaklands general manager. Grave markers with notable and familiar names such as Henry Hastings Sibley, Alexander Ramsey, Lucius P. Ordway, Arthur Gillette, Amherst Wilder, Harriet Bishop, Frederick E. Weyerhaueser and many others. Additions or corrections to this page? There are no volunteers for this cemetery. All of a sudden everybodys going, Wow, Oakland! A. Anderson (1841-1881) - Find a Grave Memorial Namesake of Austell, GA. Ivan Allen was a U.S. businessman and Democratic political figure noted for serving two terms (1962-1970) as Atlantas mayor during the turbulent Civil Rights Movement. I cant ever say that I got up and said, I have to go to work today, Ive never felt that way. 0 HEAD 1 SOUR PAF 2 NAME Personal Ancestral File 2 VERS 2 CORP The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 3 ADDR 50 East North Temple Street 4 CONT Salt Lake City, U What a wonderful informative post. The Paleoindians living in this region at the last part of the last Ice Age left almost no structures behind. Directions: From the intersection of highways 70 and 199 in . There are many notable people interred in Mountain View; many are local figures in California history, but others have achieved wider fame. Continuing with this request will add an alert to the cemetery page and any new volunteers will have the opportunity to fulfill your request. During a year with a part-time job in DT St. Paul, I lived on Case a couple blocks east of Jackson and the cemetery, near the freeway. And a final thought: The enjoyment from working here is the people, the experience, the different sadness, and you go outta your way to try and do whatever you can do to help em out.. After a whirlwind courtship, she married Julian Harris, the son of Joel Chandler Harris, who wrote the famous Tales of Uncle Remus. 10 Largest Genocides in the World The First Visit to Oakland Cemetery My first time in Oakland was on a ride in October of 2021. We also offer both guided tours for private groups and schools. It is said that my grandpa actually laid on the ground where he is buried and thought it was a fine place to spend eternity! Mountain View Cemetery (Oakland, California) - Wikipedia Verify and try again. The Mountain View Cemetery is a 226-acre (91ha) rural cemetery in Oakland, California, United States. The black granite is the best granite to use for an etching, cause its clear, doesnt have flakes, it doesnt have multiple colors.. Hi Jane! [1] Because of this, and its beautiful setting, the cemetery is a tourist draw, and tours led by docents began in 1970.[2]. But before it was Oakland, the cemetery was known as Atlanta Cemetery and covered a mere six acres of land. Clevelands work remains prominent throughout the cemetery after 150 years. Burial: Northwest corner of North Public Grounds. The oldest public cemetery in Minnesota, Oakland is about two-thirds of a mile north of the State Capitol. find a grave miami, florida; oldest grave in oakland cemetery. Oakland Cemetery - City of Hutchinson The pastoral surroundings of Oakland Cemetery are not a fluke. Drag images here or select from your computer, Added by:Paul Bailey-Gates on 31 May 2012, Added by:Juan San Nicolas on 07 Aug 2015, Oops, we were unable to send the email. Clevelands work remains prominent throughout the cemetery after 150 years. The 1939 film Gone with the Wind is regarded as one of the greatest films of all time. cemeteries found within kilometers of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. This account already exists, but the email address still needs to be confirmed. Many of California's important historical figures, drawn by Olmsted's reputation, are buried here, and there are many grandiose crypts in tribute to the wealthy, especially along the ridge section with a view across the Bay to the San Francisco skyline, known as "Millionaires' Row". Begravningsplatser i Dallas, Blanco County - Find a Grave Due to the similarities of this burial with others from Russian cultures at the time, researchers are now reaffirming theories of ancient cultural migration based on these graves. Cemetery Pennsylvania Gravestones Sorenson Family Cemetery Find a Grave We finally got enough money to do some road work. The rehabilitation of the grounds was not quick, according to Bob, who said it took about a dozen years. There was a problem getting your location. Oakland Cemetery - Where Atlanta's History Lives Copyright (c) 2023 Groundspeak, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The oldest known graves represent not only the cultures they left behind but our progression as a people. What Ive been told by them is our location really fit their need because they believe you need to rise to a place of prominence in your second life. Vrldens strsta gravplatssamling. Thank you Gary. oldest grave in oakland cemetery. Among Bobs favorite events was the 150th anniversary observance in 2003. cemeteries found within miles of your location will be saved to your photo volunteer list. This ancient Athenian burial ground from 3,000 BCE, even being actively used later by the Romans, is not a well-trafficked tourist attraction. Its perfectly preserved at 6 months old, still with its tiny arms intact. When eight-year-old Hugo Deans discovered a handful of BB-sized objects lying near an ant nest beneath a log in his backyard, he thought they were a . Through our fleeting conversation I gleaned some interesting tidbits about Bobbys work and his father, Bob, who had been working at Oakland for more than 50 years! Improvements in archaeological methods have made it possible to continue finding and preserving ancient burial sites for posterity. Although that wasnt part of a traditional burial, the grounds crew lowered it. At the end of the Pleistocene era, these people in Israel were reflective of the advancements in preagricultural society that were driving humanitys spirit forward. Namesake of Norcross, GA. 1819-1882 | Burial: Section 18 Block 19 Lot 1N, African American Section. Oakland Cemetery has reflected larger societal trends such as the flu epidemic of 1918 and the arrival of immigrants and refugees. Oakwood Cemetery (Austin, Texas) - Wikipedia Pioneer French-born physician; saved Atlanta Medical College (now known as the Emory University School of Medicine) from being burned by Union soldiers in 1864. Map - Oakland Cemetery Historic Cemeteries of Alexandria | City of Alexandria, VA 1850-1926 | Burial: Block 237, Lot 1&2, Grave 11, Near Margaret Mitchell. Age: 55,000-120,000 years Rose Hill Cemetery, Royston, GA My plan, he told me, was to go to work for my dad [at Schoenrock Monument Company], but my grandpa and my uncle and my dad were partners. The Mediterranean Levant is not a country but an approximate historical area ranging from Northeast Africa into the Middle East where Syria and Israel reside now. Bobs experience with Oakland Cemetery begins as a young boy in about 1960, at the family-owned William Schoenrock & Son Monument Company, which was (and still is) across Jackson Street from Oakland Cemetery. First, said Bob, they requested the casket be lowered. Bobby Jones is considered the greatest amateur golfer of all time. To honor the goddess Athena, a big deal for a place called Athens, they sacrificed 100 cows to thank their goddess-protector. Address. Former slave, second pastor of Big Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, and founder of Morris Brown College. In fact, they shared so many interesting thoughts that Ill use two posts to share everything. Weve never been there and now hope to visit. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of any of this material without express and written permission from this blogs author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Why Oakland Cemetery, where 127 years of Dallas' history is buried, has There is 1 volunteer for this cemetery. Hi Wolfie! Country: Pakistan Less than a mile from downtown, its 48 acres are full of treasures - history and gardens, sculpture and architecture, ancient oaks and magnolias. Special characters are not allowed. Waymarkly is the premiere Waymarking app for iOS. Please check your email and click on the link to activate your account. Please contact Find a Grave at [emailprotected] if you need help resetting your password. Burial: Block 22, Lot 1N, Grave 6, Northwestern corner of the cemetery, west of Bell Tower, Born in Thomasville, Georgia on January 4, 1872, Selena Sloan Butler grew up understanding the importance of children's and parents rights. Age: 8,500 years Fairview Cemetery Find a Grave . Oakland Cemetery is Atlanta's oldest and largest boneyard, containing the graves of many special people, including Maggie Chapman, who died in 1880 when her winged angel costume caught fire during an Atlanta opera performance. The original acres were located just outside the city limits and were virtually barren compared to the lush . 2023 Oakland Historic Foundation. Mailing Address 1400 Adams St SE Hutchinson, MN 55350-7010 Street Address (no mail receptacle) 805 Oakland Ave SE Directions Office / Maintenance The office and maintenance facility are conveniently located on cemetery grounds. Something that hasnt changed for Bob is how difficult a childs funeral is. This is because the area was well-populated with craftsmen, who supplied many of the artifacts now associated with the Panathenaic Festival, the regions most important celebration. Years ago, men frequently died in their late 60s or early 70s. There's a modern-day cemetery adjacent to the church with gravestones dated in the 1900s. Free shipping for many products! We do dig our own graves. Now, were traveling to Pakistan, another seat of ancient culture where a cemetery in Odigram waited 3,000 years to be discovered. The first African American mayor of Atlanta (1974-82, 1990-94). It is an alluring, engaging and illuminating respite, no matter where your interests lie.