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Birth date: 26 August, 1958, Tuesday. It was snowing, and the temperature was -10C (14F). I understand it very well because of the Law of Death in which it exists, but within myself I am well. Thats right. After an olive oil and molasses enema, he. The German-built ship was traveling on an overnight cruise from Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia, to read more, Upon landing in Egypt, Roman general and politician Pompey is murdered on the orders of King Ptolemy of Egypt. Although Rock considered his children to be the children of God and the next generation of his religious following, their situation was utterly wretched. Thriault was arrested for assault in 1989, dissolving the cult, and was convicted for murder in 1993 for the death of follower Solange Boilard. According to Savage Messiah by Paul Kaihla and Ross Laver, Gisle tells a different story. He also moved his family back to Thetford Mines and began developing his skills with woodworking. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. Hyacinthe, a labourer, was devoutly religious and a member of the Union des Electeurs (Union of Electors, also known as Berets blancs or "White Berets" on account of their signature mission uniform), a Catholic fascist offshoot of the Depression-era Crditiste movement. A follower would sometimes be asked to cut off another follower's toes with wire cutters to prove loyalty. In June, 1978, in spite of its financial success, the Healthy Living Clinic faced some serious problems. Obituary: Adelard "John" Boilard - Lewiston Sun Journal The "official version" is the one that was given in court by Thriault, Guy Veer, and most of the commune members. Thriault was found guilty of assault for the amputation of Lavalle's arm and received a sentence of 12 years imprisonment. My body is very afraid of all these things. Based on the testimony of former cult members, Thriault was probably delusional and may have actually believed he could do miracles. But the terrifying truth of what was happening at Burnt River, Ontario, was only laid bare when, physically broken and brutally abused, one of his followers escaped and alerted authorities to the horrors of life as an Ant Hill Kid. The Ant Hill Kids Morbidology To expand the community as well as keep the members devoted, Thriault married and impregnated all of the women, fathering over 20 children with 9 female members of the group, and by the 1980s there were nearly 40 members. If you are interested in joining our team, contact us at But it was the warped abuse of another follower that saw Theriault finally brought to justice. Matthew MacDonald of Port au Port, N.L., is charged with first-degree murder in the death of Roch Theriault. On the other hand, Thriault felt that now Veer was a security risk, and enjoyed tormenting him, beating him, and playing games in which he would instruct his followers to pierce Veer through the chest with knives and bleed him to death only to call them off, like God called off Abraham from sacrificing Isaac, at the very last minute. With an entourage of eight live-in followers (Gisle, Solange, Chantal, Francine, Nicole, Gabrielle, Jacques Fiset, and Claude), a growing reputation as a "healer," and sympathetic connections with the Seventh Day Adventist health food and mission literature suppliers, Thriault decided it was time to move his motley band from Thetford Mines. It is also packed with unusual trivia, exclusive interviews and much more. Please help this article by looking for better, more reliable sources. The typical response, of course, was that the girls could have money, but only if they left Rock. The persistent discomfort of his digestive system fostered a certain irritability on Thriault's part; he also became obsessed with medicine, and taught himself a great deal about anatomy. Rock took a pair of scissors, and after sterilizing them in alcohol, he lanced Samuel's penis to permit urine to flow out. Thriault instructed Jacques Gigure, Maryse's husband in the eyes of the law (though not in the eyes of "Mose") to cut off one of her toes with an axe as punishment. When Roland Ernest Boilard was born on 4 September 1912, in Auburn, Androscoggin, Maine, United States, his father, Joseph Sigfroi Boilard, was 39 and his mother, Josephine Marie Gamache, was 41. He methodically sprained Claude's toes; another time he used a piece of broken glass to slice Claude's arm open. He was found guilty of amputating Gabrielle's arm and jailed for 12 years. Thats well over 30 ebooks in one package. First, there was the outstanding debts. For six months, everything went smoothly for the commune. what is turret mode ark dilophosaurus - His third murder was one his concubines, Solange Boilard, who complained of an upset stomach. Roch-Sylvain said that although he understands how people could rejoice at the demise of his father, "I never wanted it to end this way.". He had stopped drinking, he told them all, and there wouldn't be any more violence; and after all, as God's emissary they were obliged to follow him. Theriault also demanded sex from all of the women members in an attempt to increase the number of cult members through children. Solange Boilard | News, Videos & Articles [6] Lavalle attempted to escape from the commune after Thriault cut off parts of her breast and smashed her head in with the blunt side of an axe, but upon her return he removed one of her fingers with wire cutters, pinned her hand to a wooden table with a hunting knife, and then used a cleaver to amputate her arm. During the same period of the Clinic's existence, the parents of 19-year-old multiple sclerosis victim Gabrielle Nadeau placed her under the care of Thriault, who they had met at an anti-smoking workshop. Thriault began to assemble notes for a book (L'Affaire Mose, published in Qubec City in November of 1983). At his trial in 1993, even more horrific tales came to light. Too drunk to finish, he called Chantal over to finish the job. old-school old testament messiah. We pay for your stories! He punched his first-born son, Roch jr, in the face when he refused to wrestle his brother Franois. Billionaire Matthew Mellon Dies in Mexican Rehab at 53 - Peoplemag Each was forced to wear an identical tunic, which was supposed to symbolise equality, but merely tightened Theriault's grip on his followers. (n.d.).Opinion - Blogs -, Last edited on 16 February 2023, at 19:59, Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, "4 Cults You Might Not Know About - Mental Floss", "Revealed: Murder of Canadian cult leader who performed ritual killings and beat children to death | Ottawa Citizen", "The ant hill kids. Roch Theriault was a twisted religious extremist who forced his brainwashed followers to endure a campaign of horrific abuse across two decades in Canada. Mellon was the ex-husband of Jimmy Choo co . Thriault loaded the band into their vehicles and set out. [4][5] There, Thriault made the commune build their town while he relaxed, comparing them to ants working in an ant hill, naming the group the Ant Hill Kids. The children had chores around the commune such as hand-washing the adult women's sanitary napkins. He had Jacques pound Gabrielle's thigh with a sledgehammer. He claimed that he had saved these kids from the self-dissolution of drugs and put them on the right track. But life within the Ant Hill Kids cult had already begun to take an even more sinsiter turn. "Gisle" was one such a woman. I don't know what to think about everything and the meaning of my actions. This massive 8.5 x 11 perfect bound book contains over 150 pages of rare interviews, letters, documents, transcripts, art and articles about serial killer, John Wayne Gacy. Thriault wanted to bury her at the foot of the "Eternal Mountain," but she was taken by the authorities for an autopsy. He made all of his members wear a tunic and moved them to another site in Ontario. This means that we may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you. Thriault had Veer lie on the kitchen table as Gabrielle fetched the medical instruments: an elastic band, a razor blade, a magnifying glass, a pair of tweezers, and the ethanol. While others were told to cut off their toes to prove their loyalty to their master. In fact, retreating into the woods for a couple of days became a common tactic for Claude, Gabrielle, Gisle and the others. MyKawartha Article: Former Burnt River cult leader killed in jail . Notorious cult leader found dead in prison | WWRN - World-wide Or by navigating to the user icon in the top right. A favourite punishment would be to force someone to strip naked and stand in the snow for a few hours. He eventually ordered her to live apart from everyone else in her own hut with her own two children, until Rock later accepted her eldest daughter into the main group. Jacques, Maryse, Claude, Solange, and Guy Veer were released on their own recognizance on the condition they not return to the cabin; Thriault and Lavalle were denied bail as they were held to be a danger to society. This included removing teeth, botched circumsicions and even castrations. Roch "Mose" Thriault (born May 16, 1947) is the charismatic former leader of a small religious group based near Burnt River, Ontario, Canada. Obituary: Allyson Ruby Boilard - Lewiston Sun Journal When she went back to her bed, blood started coming out of her mouth, and she died. Thriault attempted to backtrack to the original religious mission of the commune, beginning to strongly believe in purifying his followers and ridding them of their sins through abusive purification sessions where the members would be completely nude as he whipped and beat them. He also got into some trouble with the police during his trip to Utah, which resulted in a $75 US fine and a pair of soiled trousers. This proved to be a success, and Rock organized the group into a company. That spring, Gisle, pregnant and feeling rejected by the lack of attention Roch gave her since their marriage, gave her new husband an ultimatum: either he break the commune and encourage his followers to find new homes, or she would move back in with her father. Though most of the girls still living with their parents, the whole group would often spend the weekend crashing at Gisle's on the couch, on the floor, wherever there was space. 71 Cybiu5 2 yr. ago Then he inserted a tube down her throat, and told everyone else to blow and suck on the tube. The alcoholic and delusional Theriault apparently thought he was driving the devil out of them. On September 28, 1920, a Chicago grand jury indicts eight members of the Chicago White Sox on charges of fixing the 1919 World Series. In 1993 Mr. Theriault was sentenced to life in prison for the gruesome murder of his wife Solange Boilard who was yet another victim of his "medical" intervention after he disembowelled her with a kitchen knife when she had what is believed to be appendicitis. He squeezed Gabrielle's and Gisle's nipples with vicegrips until they bled. He was released from the hospital early, judged fit to stand trial for obstruction of justice, and given a one-year suspended sentence. Matthew Mellon, the billionaire banking heir, died suddenly at a rehab facility in Cancun, Mexico. After a year of having been forbidden to have relations with her pre-cult husband Jacques, Maryse Grenier, the only adult woman of the group Thriault hadn't taken as his own wife, was permitted to leave with two of her three surviving children a two year old and an infant. Franois and Roch-Sylvain remember the disembowelling of Solange Boilard. Adelard Boilard - In 2008 some of Theriault's poems and artwork went up for sale on an American website, called, that promotes killers as celebrities. He was 63. But Auclair's husband fell in with Thriault. Credit Solution Experts Incorporated offers quality business credit building services, which includes an easy step-by-step system designed for helping clients build their business credit effortlessly. Facebook gives people the power. The lowest of them all was Maryse Grenier; Thriault forbade Jacques and Maryse from sleeping together, and encouraged Jacques to beat her if she talked back to him or to Rock even though she was pregnant. And the police investigation into the brutal practises inside the Ant Hill Kids cult didn't end there. One day, he became enraged at Claude Ouellette for some reason no one remembers, and ordered him to walk around with an elastic band wrapped tightly around his scrotum. Believing himself to be a vessel of God and capable of curing all sickness, Theriault took matters into his own hands with devastating consquences. All of our Serial Killer Magazines and books are massive, perfect bound editions. Followers were made to wear identical tunics to represent equality and their devotion to the commune. He was arrested for assault in 1989 and was convicted of murder in 1993 in the death of Boilard. Her body was found in 1989 at the cult's camp near Lindsay, Ont., 70 km northeast of Toronto. Thriault received a life sentence, which he was serving when he was murdered at Dorchester. Thriault, a self-proclaimed prophet under the name Mose, founded the Ant Hill Kids in 1977. He said he had a vision in which the sky was lit up with a white radiance, and the voice of God told him that the outcropping on which Roch was about to kneel was a holy place. This was not unusual, and Gisle, Claude, Francine, and Marise all managed to sneak away into the bush to hide. The whole thing seemed to be over. 2:53. He was 53. He discovered the Mormon Fundamentalist movement, and this was how he met up with forensic psychiatrist and LDS branch president Dr Jess Groesbeck. Everyone else was now strongly in favour. But one night in September, a drunken Mose became angry with Veer for some infraction, and decided that he should stand trial for his crime of the previous March. Killed cult leader's sons speak out - Rick Alan Ross [3] Thriault used his charisma to cover for his increasingly abusive and erratic behaviour, and none of the other members questioned his judgement or openly blamed him for any physical, mental or emotional damage. Even when the police came, at the behest of the families of some of the girls, they refused to speak. Solange Boilard, who was killed with a kitchen knife as part of a cult ritual. Allegedly, baby Samuel's head was flopping around on his neck, and his penis had swelled up. So the group began selling fruit, and later pastry. In 1978, Thriault was removed from Seventh-day Adventist Church. Lived: 16253 days = 44 years.