Kim Morgan Physician Assistant, Articles H

Nothing about the war turned out the way I thought it would. [2], Despite Sirius Black and Remus Lupin's insistence for Harry to continue, it was never followed through. Rated NC17 for violence. Now I want you to take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. I nodded in response. Harry shook his head and clung to me tighter, the occasional tear slipping down his face. A hardheaded child's decision to run from his protector has lasting consequences on the child, changing not only his humanity but his parentage as well. It only takes a minute to sign up. Also see similar categories (some of these stories are repeated in other categories): Mentorship -Recovery, Partnership - General. Covers year seven and Auror training. Despite his confusion, Severus knew all too well why the boy wouldn't tell, and he felt his heart sink in fear and anger. Harry Potter and the Order of the PhoenixHarry's mandatory extra lessons with Snape. Harry Potter Fanfic Harry And Hermione. Mid-novel length. Harry discovers that Ms Eileen is quite a bit more skilled at Gobstones, gambling and hustling than hed initially thought. Hermione's Mistake (Harry Potter) Rated - R | Forums so simply speaking: I think you are looking for this fanfiction by KurbyLane: "O Mine Enemy". Here are some of the ways he changed the most as Harry Potter progressed. Suddenly I felt a pull in my tummy. He gripped the trunk, feeling ready to explode with all those warring emotions inside him. His onsie was all stretched out and looked extremely uncomfortable. Start here. Harry/Snape. He was only dimly aware of the bowl of water next to him, and his fingers trailing around in it, and then heat was pouring from his hand, weeping into the water so fast and hard nobody had any time to prepare for it. Back in Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone, when Harry first arrives at Hogwarts, Snape makes his feelings for the boy perfectly clear from a distance. Novel-length. As one might imagine, neither one are particularly pleased about the arrangement. Theowyn, HARRY POTTER AND THE ENEMY WITHIN. Alternate Universe: Severitus. Warnings: PTSD, Triskaidekaphobia (fear of the number 13), OCD, Paranoid personality disorder, Self Injury. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Rated PG-13. When something is rated R, you need permission to post it and this reads like amateur pornography. Mid-novel length. Harry has had a hard life, harder than anyone knows, even himself. "Harry, do you want to get some toys today?" The temperature of the water went shrieking skywards as it boiled. "Now that I have some control, you have a wet nappy that needs my attention."Snape said as Harry started to struggle all over again. What if Severus Snape, Hogwarts' professor, former. Please r&r! Novel-length. Batman?" Fanfiction Harry Potter is changed into a baby and Severus Snape must watch over him. I ran to him and gave him a big hug. He wishes me to teach you how to close your mind to the Dark Lord.Severus Snape to Harry Potter in January of 1996, Lessons were given once a week, under the guise of Remedial Potions, much to Harry's discomfort. I shook my head. A Potions Master becomes a fugitive in the UK, his only goal to fulfill a vow made to a flower. However, the categories are loosely based on how "canon" the stories are, whether it is Post-Half-Blood Prince or Post-Deathly Hallows.This listing does not necessarily specify whether a story . *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Fantastically-written, realistic character portrayals, action-packed epic. Unfinished WIP. It huts!" Next time, wait for me to get you out. Harry Potter Fanfic Where Harry Gets Adopted By Snape and Befriends Draco and Pansy,,, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Latest Blog Post: Jacks Bad Movies Black Adam (2022), Fan fiction where Snape adopts Harry Potter, Looking for a specific Harry Potter fanfiction: Snape adopts Harry and Draco, Harry Potter fanfic where he stays in a sterilized environment in the hospital wing and Snape stays near him, Harry Potter fanfic where Harry runs away, Harry Potter fanfic where Ginny is determined to marry Harry who has no interest in her, Harry Potter x Tom Riddle fanfic where Harry travels back in time to Wools Orphanage as a baby and everyone thinks his birthday is in October, Harry Potter Fanfic where Harry is sent to an alternate dimension where Tom Riddle is good, Harry Potter fic where Snape thinks Harry is spoiled but finds out about his abuse, also Drarry, Bulk update symbol size units from mm to map units in rule-based symbology, Using indicator constraint with two variables. I sat up in my crib and looked around me, confused for a second. The magical world of J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter resonated with people of all ages around the world. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. My code is GPL licensed, can I issue a license to have my code be distributed in a specific MIT licensed project? Harry/Snape. Back in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, when Harry first arrives at Hogwarts, Snape makes his feelings for the boy perfectly clear from a distance.Before even knowing the teacher's name or ever speaking to him, Snape shoots Harry an angry glare from across the room. Harry was kidnapped by Snape, and Snape never became a professor. Harry wakes up in an unfamiliar house with an unfamiliar son, Arthur, who must overcome his Muggle background to help his father regain the life he lost track of fifteen years ago as well as cope with his own introduction to the wizard world. Novel-length. The Dursleys taught Harry to fear and hate magic and all things magical including himself. For easy navigation, click on the bookmarked categories listed on the left hand side. Harry Potter - Rated: K - English - Chapters: 1 - Words: 35,796 - Reviews: 261 - Favs: 1,314 - Follows: 266 - Published: Dec 11, 2012 - Harry P., Severus S. - Complete. The potion had wore off. What if there was a darker truth hidden in Harry's story? With his introduction to the wizarding world, this changed and he built connections with many of the residents of the magical community, both good and bad. This listing does not necessarily specify whether a story is a WIP(work-in-progress). "Harry, I need to put this cream on you so that you don't get a rash. Nothing will ever change that. His parents hated him that was why they sent him to Azkaban with all the dementors. Then it struck him. Snape tells Harry stories about his mother, and both do some soul-searching. Practice this extensively on animals before attempting it on a sentient being - it is a common mistake to reverse the desired effects, absorbing the soul and releasing the blood-magic. Whether Snapes redemption made him the hero hes sometimes seen as or not, Harry saw the bigger picture in the closing moments of the last installment in the series. Not even the boy's sudden intrusion in his life. Snape drove in silence, and Harry had a lot to think about. Theres just something about his toad-poisoning, student-bullying, Dark-Arts-loving ways that doesnt really scream lovable. He was big again. Severus Snape hates Harry Potter. It all started on a typical day at Hogwarts Academy. The worst part was, you could hear it. The Possessive Master Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction and many more. Harry Potter and the Summer after the War and it sequel Harry Potter and the Winters after the War - These fics are novel-length, canon-compliant pairing-wise, kind of clich in that Harry and Ron are Aurors fighting evil, but have good characterization, a good mystery plot, and some great OCs. What language were you reading it in? The Battle of Hogwarts is over, and the dust begins to settle. What is the point of Thrower's Bandolier? As Harry was an emotional wizard, he was never able to master Occlumency as a skill; even Dumbledore had to admit that the lessons were a "fiasco". The sun as it sank over the mountains shone rosily off the walls. This category includes all gen stories, does not feature adoption or a Snape/Harry romantic relationship (but may involve a Snape/other or Harry/other relationship as part of secondary plot), where Snape mentors Harry in some aspect of war, ability (i.e. Harry Potter's relationships | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom This doesnt exactly excuse the Potions masters behavior, though, especially considering that, as the years go on, he starts to treat other students (such as the unfortunate Neville Longbottom, who soon becomes terrified of Snape) just as badly. I just said this fic is just an excuse for his diaper fetish. In the books, he got so frustrated with Nevilles potion-making that he announced hed feed Nevilles effort to the boys pet toad, Trevor, to see if it poisoned the creature or not. (This takes place in Harry Potter's Fifth Year) Snape was furious at Dumbledore. Snape was assigned to guard the Dursley household and starts to get worried when he never sees harry. Severus has saved Harry's life one too many times and the bond has formed, beyond anyone's power to dissolve. Rated PG-13. It was so warm, such a friendly little house, Harry wondered how Snape had managed to get hold of it. What happens when he finds himself before Snape for help? Now the consequences of his actions cannot be avoided any longer and Snape finds himself the father of a five year old boy-Harry Potter. Not even those green eyes. Unfortunately, both Ron and Hermione have gone on holiday. And indeed, daddy brought me a bottle of more milk. The sames true of Snape, whose journey from villainy to redemption is expertly presented by J.K. Rowling. Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone? OTHER HARRY POTTER RECOMMENDATIONS: BEYOND YEAR SEVEN: POST-DEATHLY HALLOWS/POST-HOGWARTS FANFICTION. Harry Potter Severus Snape Draco Malfoy Narcissa Malfoy Andromeda Tonks Abuse Family Albus Dumbledore Bashing Molly Weasley Bashing De-Aged Harry Potter In the summer of the year 1986, the Malfoy family was celebrating the first birthday of their second child Hadrian Severus Malfoy, in the Lestrange Manor. Against his better judgement Severus Snape let a part of himself be used in a spell six years earlier. "Harry, got it?" Can Prof. Snape's firm hand mentor him and help him prepare for his future? This story takes place in Harriet's fifth year. I assign an appropriate rating for unrated stories, or stories using a different rating system. Summer before third year, Harry begins to question his memory blanks. James Potter/Severus Snape, Harry/MC. tag.0, HARRY POTTER AND THE SENSITIVE'S GIFT. Snape mentors Harry. And he will need to delve farther than ever before into the mysteries of the mind where victory can only be won by freeing the chained souls. And a lot of money. Daddy then began to gently massage my lower abdomen, with each push, he increased the pressure a little more. What could go wrong. It was as though a piece of England had been picked up and put down in the middle of nowhere. "Silently he would suppress the ball of heat that caught in his stomach or the shiver that travelled over his body whenever the topic of Snape would come up. He turned his head the other way to look at the watch on the bed side table. I stopped outside the room, took a deep breath, and prepared myself for what I was about to see. I asked. After a horrific summer, Harry seems to be recovering from his ordeal, with the help of Snape and Lupin, as well as his friends, including, oddly enough, Draco Malfoy. This archive is updated and added-to regularly. Everyone is 20 or older. They werecrop tops. Thrust into the role of parenting and a relationship, but still being hunted, how will this strange new family survive? Do you understand me?" Suddenly my eyes welled up with tears. How do I align things in the following tabular environment? The Boy Who Lived to be a Baby - Chapter 1 - Deadmockingbirds - Harry I just don't want you getting hurt by climbing out. [4] However, he was eventually able to gain a degree of control over the unique connection he shared with Voldemort by focusing on feelings of grief or love, such as those inspired by the deaths of Sirius Black or Dobby. A place where magic is studied and practiced? Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? Daddy picked it up and picked me up. Snape is a snarky bastard. [1], Get out, get out, I don't want to see you in this office ever again!Snape cancelling the lessons, The lessons were ultimately cancelled when Harry saw a memory in the Pensieve of his father hanging Snape in the air by his ankles and was caught by the Potions Master, while Snape postponed the lessons in order to rescue Graham Montague from being stuck inside a toilet. She grew up in an orphanage after her aunt and uncle kicked her out of their house when she was three. As the series progressed, more and more hints were dropped (both subtle and super direct) that Snape was still faithful to Voldemort. I just want to let you know what I'm doing," said daddy as he began to smear cream on my bum. Snape also lets some hints about his allegiance drop in these lessons - Harry asks if it's Snape's job to spy on Voldemort, and Snape agrees, looking pleased. Rated PG. I wish he would do that more often. Severus and Molly Weasley have a conversation about the difficulty of raising kids, family dynamics, and the worryingly unclear future. Secrets are sometimes meant to be shared, and sharing those secrets can sometimes change lives. Snape brings Harry back to his native Australia to help him begin healing. They can exist in the same room together for a moment or two without attacking each other (snarky comments aside), so well count that as personal growth on everybodys part. I hope it's more of the warm milk in the bottle, that was so yummy! Snape was so furious at Harry that he threw him out of his office (literally) and forbade him from ever returning. As soon as we landed on the street right before the store, I clutched my stomach. A hardheaded child's decision to run from his protector has lasting consequences on the child, changing not only his humanity but his parentage as well. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. I said, feeling very exasperated. I closed my eyes. Hecate Potter didn't grow up normal. His onsie now hung on him loosely. Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin? How is an ETF fee calculated in a trade that ends in less than a year? Severus has a mysterious illness. Daddy raised his eybrows at my sudden movement. Well, perhaps better isnt quite the way to put it. He's about to get them. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Severus is less than thrilled with the new job, and Harry is less than thrilled with his new caretaker. He had, of course, warned Dumbledore he wasn't going to baby the boy; Potter would learn to respect him one way or another. Fighting dizziness, Harry returned to the papers in front of him. Rated NC17. May also include mental/physical health recovery component. Harry didnt know what to think. All the Harry Potter Books: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998) Rated R for violence, child abuse. Alternate Universe HBP. This archive/listing is a spin-off of FUGUES FICTION ARCHIVE:THE X-FILES EDITION and the HOUSE EDITION which started as a personal list/archive of my favorite stories, made conveniently accessible on any computer connected to the internet. Rated PG-13. A strange request is made of him and he feels obligated to acquiesce. Warnings: dubious consent. I will attempt to note the longer stories, but if a story has no length denoted, assume short to mid-length (or "mid-novel length", approximately 10,000 to 50,000 words). Student Samara Jones has been an outcast ever since a group of Slytherin boys have found out about her secret - a secret t *This is a one shot collection of Harry Potter, Winx Club, The Walking Dead and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain, Follow Up: struct sockaddr storage initialization by network format-string. It made him angry and left him feeling trapped when he realized that he wouldn't be able to go on his own excursions for the night." Not even those green eyes. From Harry himself to the ever-wise Albus Dumbledore and the brilliant yet sometimes bothersome Hermione, these characters kept fans enthralled through eight movies and seven novels. Quickly scuttling down the row, only picking a few berries from each bush before moving on. He's been working in the industry for almost as long, writing, editing and training writers for DualShockers, The Gamer, GameRant, ScreenRant, WhatCulture, Ripley's Believe It Or Not! Quite frankly, this iswell, it's a really ham-fisted approach to a fanfic. Competitive strawberry picking in chapter 14: To prove that he was now definitely focusing on the task, Draco began to speed up his movements. "The rest of the journey didn't take long. Stories in which Harry and Snape are (non-romantically) partnered to solve a mystery, crime, or to defeat Voldemort. Stories in which Snape discovers Harry is his biological son (Severitus) or other relative. Regardless, though, Snape had an instrumental role in both the Order of the Phoenix and the Death Eaters plans, culminating in his killing of Dumbledore. "Oh daddy, that huts!" Does Counterspell prevent from any further spells being cast on a given turn? The Dursleys are livid and downright refuse to take Harry back for the summer. Harry/Hermione, Snape/Lupin. Rated R. SensiblyTainted, BROKEN MIND, FRACTURED SOUL. An unsettling revelation results in a kidnapping of the Boy-Who-Lived. Novel-length. After 1st year, Harry is warned by Dobby not to return to Hogwarts. And then daddy was done. I'm looking for a fanfic where Dumbledore decided to send Harry 'live' with Snape after the events of the third or fourth book (if I'm not mistaken, the fourth). ! Becomes a Draco Malfoy love story later on Most of the wizarding world thought that Draco was Lucius Malfoy's only child. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Daddy asked me again. "Yeah, daddy, I gots it!" A spell Harry uses to ascertain Snape's loyalties goes horribly wrong. This listing uses the G - NC17 rating system. As Harry comes of age, he must discover the secret of how Voldemort cheated death and find a way to defeat this evil once and for all. When Harry returns to Hogwarts for his sixth year, only Severus seems to truly notice how deeply Harry's despair goes. Snape discovers Harry's mind cannot take the strain and subsequently fractured, leaving him with multiple personalities. Daddy, help me!" he was saying. The artwork used in the header is by Fox Estacado, and should not be reproduced anywhere without permission. And then he undid the tapes. Rated PG-13, As Hogwarts starts a quarterly Family Night, Harry is determined take part. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. She hated failure with an intensity hundreds of times greater than Rons hatred of spiders. It is the year before Harry comes to Hogwarts. Rated R for violence. Harry Potter: 10 Biggest Ways Snape Changed From Sorcerer's Stone To 62K views 1 year ago Welcome to Harry Potter Theory. Daddy asked me. Notes: May also include Mentorship - General, Mentorship - Recovery stories. Harry/Snape. I don't remember everything well, I know the story has more than 50 chapters and the snarry relationship gets very strong over time, Harry begins to consider Severus a father and Snape comes to see Harry as a son. At first Snape continues to see Harry as a child who has grown up being spoiled and worshiped all his life, but over time he realizes that he actually had a VERY abusive childhood with the Dursleys and changes his view of the boy. Sent to Privet Drive to intercede in a domestic dispute, Severus finds that Harry Potter is not quite feeling himself. Signature editing Rights removed due to consistent Rule Breaking- Check the Signature Rules before this happens to you: Harry and Ron were scared about Hermione. In fact, the only times things are described thoroughly are during Hermione's infantile spells (no pun intended). Harry Potter as a Baby - Nappy Changes, Nightmares, and Toys I whirled around to see daddy watching me. The mind was no longer a thing, a single voice, but hundreds, spread apart and examined one by one. Rated R. Harry/Snape. Nothing will ever change that. Some stories carry warnings for abuse, child abuse, violence, and/or adult themes. Rated PG. Redoing the align environment with a specific formatting, About an argument in Famine, Affluence and Morality. Harry Potter and Severus Snape's private lessons Short. Don't you want your toys?" "Morning, Harry," came a voice from behind me, causing me to jump. I changed him out of his onsie and put a spell on the rest of his clothes and crib so that they would grow when he did. Warnings: implied abuse. Snape/Harry mentor/friendship relationship. Who is the boy Harry keeps meeting at unexpected moments and why is it that Snape suddenly starts to develop some slightly more human qualities as the two slowly come to understand one another? OTHER FUGUES FICTION RECOMMENDATIONS:THE X-FILES | HOUSE M.D. Always showing off, too much like Potter. Those he particularly disliked were treated in awful new ways (which he seemed to love devising) as the series progressed. Read and find out. Snape/Harry. Identify those arcade games from a 1983 Brazilian music video. His body was tightly cramped inside the crib. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. While wondering around in the forbidden forest Severus finds a lonely stag amongst the woods in a clearing. He was too old to be a student and yet too young to be a teacher. I shook my head at all of the weird, ugly, or girly toys. Community content is available under. I d Severus had always believed that romance wasn't for him. Some stories may also be included in Partnership - Romantic category, in which Harry and Snape are romantically linked and also dealing with mental/physical health recovery. And to top it all off, I have to use the bathroom, but I can't take off my nappy. Daddy took me up to my room and lay me on the floor. I assign an appropriate rating for unrated stories, or stories using a different rating system. Perhaps this is indicative of the increasingly pressure hes under, as Dumbledore and Voldemorts plans both advance as the series goes on. Nothing. Worse, his mysterious mental link to Voldemort is stronger than ever and threatens to overwhelm him. Rated G.Novel-length. He bent down to my level again. "Lumos," I said, lighting up the room with my wand. The author takes us to exotic locations such as Iceland and beyond the shores of Britain. Novel-length. My eyes widened. "Daddy, ba-man isn't real!" When the wipes hit, I tensed some more. After Harry accidentally deages himself to a baby during a Potions class, Severus is tasked with aging Harry back up to his correct age before any word gets out on Harry's condition. Harry soon stopped crying but resorted to hiccups. In order to prevent Harry from seeing into his mind via any potential backlash, Snape borrowed Dumbledore's Pensieve, and placed his memories into it before each lesson. How to follow the signal when reading the schematic? Neville Longbottoms Boggart was actually Snape himself, which says a lot. Where was I? Severus Snape hates Harry Potter. The Velvet Ghost, HARRY POTTER AND THE ANKH OF KHEPRI. Then it all came back to me of what had happened the day before. Will he ever be fit to take on the mantle of The Boy Who Lived? I gulped. That's no bad thing but it feels too choppily described and all too easy to understand. Severus has been having dreams, dreams so real they feel like memories. NEXT: Harry Potter: 5 Best Things Snape Did For Harry (& The 5 Worst). No, nothing will ever change Severus's hatred for Harry Potter - no matter . I was using the bathroom in my professor's lap. Harry, in his childhood adventuring, finds a secret garden. Indeed, Snape, as head of Slytherin, only seemed to like students of his own house. They found her sulking in the common room in front of the fireplace. Why is Snape acting so oddly? Warnings: anorexia, abuse. Rated NC17. What were really getting at here is that Snape became more and more involved with the side of good as the series went on, both behind the scenes and directly (such as after the reformation of the Order of the Phoenix, as well see later). Subcategories include Big Brother Harry . Did he really want to try on these strictly feminine garments? Suddenly I grabbed myself. She's very cruel but has a soft spot for one person. Stories in which Snape rears Harry as a child (before Hogwarts-enrollment age), either as a surrogate parent or biological father. When Remus comes to, he realizes they are on a completely different world in a different solar system where Remus must learn to accept not only his wolf, but learn how to be a father and guardian while searching for a way to return to his own world. Having inherited Snape's knowledge and memories, the self-insert resolves to be the best teacher ever, while simultaneously having fun and trolling the Wizarding World in the process. May also include Mentorship - General, Mentorship - Recovery, or Bringing Up Harry. Will Harry be able to beat Voldemort and save the people he loves? Harry Potter and Snape's Ticklish Detention - DeviantArt Rated R for violence. Novel-length. Harry is not only the son of Remus and Lily from a one-night stand but also a werewolf. Baby humor, am I right? It's Bloody Better: Harry Snape and the Time Paradox. Yes, Sirius mentions that theres dark and light inside of everyone and its up to them to choose which path to follow, but thats not very evident a lot of the time here. The trio are haunted and not just from the battle. Novel-length. An eventual Snape adopts Harry story. Short novel. Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? "Harry, you point to me all of the toys that you don't like, okay?" However the fansof Severus Snape may spin his actions, in light of everything we know about him now, theres no denying that his tormented childhood made him a bitter bully later in life. Or that cheeky smile. Rated PG-13. No, sorry, I don't think this is suitable for both the younger people of this forum and as a fan fiction of general. Alan Rickmans Snape in the movies is much more softly-spoken and quietly menacing, while in the books, he cant control his emotions and is prone to terrible outbursts. I asked eagerly. I hiccuped. "It's okay, baby," I whispered. A novella, will contain mild CP. # baby # harrypotter # potion # severussnape Nappy Changes, Nightmares, and Toys 17.9K 303 by Daycee1 Snape's pov + I woke up due to crying. Was it originally in English? #baby He shrunk back to look like a two year old. Harry/Snape mentorship.