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My husband recently got convicted of a crime that he did not commit and was sentenced to 25 years. breath and living water such a marvelous mystery. At Thanksgiving 2014, my husband, age 62 was diagnosed with younger onset Alzheimers Disease. You have brought to our attention how God is good and how He works in and for everything!! OH wait, God IS good, ALL THE TIME. Yet grateful looking back that HE is good to us even during those trials & tribulations. Here youll find my favorite photos, snippets from my books, interesting bits of Scottish history, tips for travelers, recommended Scottish books and music, and my wee blog. I just had to repeat them to the man in my life, a long distance relationship, who is going through a not so smooth time. My knees were unsteady as I climbed the few steps to the platform and turned to face the audience. Love & blessings. One special way is through friends who point you back to Jesus. Today would have been my brothers 40th bday, but he is not here to tease about being old. My brother and I counter offered and they countered. This summer I discovered something marvelous about hope: you dont have to come up with it on your own! God is good all the time, even when I forget He is there. Hes in charge of hope. So blessed by your thoughtful insights. AND I have learned to look for those little things during the hard times that make it bearable. We are His messengers. Separated from His Father, He was forsaken. And we thank Him for our food; I was feeling lousy, and this elderly lady shouted out Praise Jesus, He is Good ALL the time! So well done, and so needed."--LIZ CURTIS HIGGS, author of 31 Proverbs to Light Your Path "For everyone who has ever thought that joy was for other people (you know, those super-spiritual people who have the inside track to what God wants . I thank God for every day! He still remains. He provides beauty when things look bleak, He provides Grace when frustration flares, He provides peace when pain lurks. Thank you! Its His power, not ours, that puts hope in motion. (Oh, and this morning the lily I planted last September had its first blossom of the year. Romans 15:13. I have seen so much of Gods goodness lately. Hes got you in the palm of His hands and He is NOT letting you go!!!!! My prayer is that each day, the goodness He has shown to me, will spill over to others in a tangible way. What an uplifting message today. Bless you for opening Gods Word with me today! On another note He helped me kill a massive spider as big as my hand this morning! I loved what Lynn said,God is so good there is nothing He can do that is not good. Thank you Lord for your goodness! Your simple meal-time prayer is the same one I was taught as a child, and the same I am teaching my grandchildren. God is good even when my husband chooses someone else. Click To Tweet. Thanks for sharing Gods goodness with everyone! The verse Psalms 119:11 that talks about I have hidden your word in my heart that I may not have a stray. All of the time. I just soaked it up. So how and when does this huge measure of hope start pouring into our hearts? God listens to all of our prayers. Clothed in rainbow of living color. His goodness to us also encourages us to share our salvation with others so they too will know His goodness. I know that He is my comforter, my shelter, my all in all. Now they are much older, but God is STILL good. His grace and mercy are never ending. All the time God is good. The Goodness of God is Gods favor and love given to each one of us even when we dont deserve it. Amen. The treatments made it got into remission for three months, but it has since reappeared. It might seem slow in coming, it may be hidden behind a canopy of gray clouds, but the sun is definitely there. Prayers for you as I know you pray for me. Gratitude to our Good God for hand selecting the finest women to do your good work! PS: your daughters flower photos are awesome! In November 2011 Liz led a Women of the Bible Tour of the Holy Land, taking womenfrom 16 states and 2 Canadian provinces on the spiritual journey of a lifetime. Isnt it so comforting to know, this Great God who is so GOOD, is merciful as well! Liz Curtis Higgs is the author of thirty books, with more than three million copies in print. Things a little rough right now in my life. Women ofFaith, Women of Joy, Extraordinary Women, Among Friends, Time Out for Women, Moody Women,Women of Virtue, Win-some Women, Womens Journey of Faith, Women Who Worship, ChristianWomen Communicating Internationalif its a conference for and about women, LizCurtis Higgs is honored to be there. A young woman pronounced brain dead brought back to life and full recovery after the prayers of faithful women! God has blessed me in so many ways everyday. It helps to focus my eyes and my heart on Him. I know God will work is out for His good and that all will be better and further the kingdom of God which is our real purpose of this Earth. His grace is truly amazing. He is all good, all the time. Our God is good. Amen. The best one is his love and second is my family. Thank you so much for your wonderful ministry to all Sisters around the world! I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. Looking forward to the 19th! Her latest release, "31 Proverbs to Light Your Path," shows how thirty-one nuggets of truth reveal God's faithfulness. Our God is my hope. The miracle ..he forgives us !! I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord. He is good all the time, he knows there are 4 very young children without a daddy. This day my husband retires after 42 years with a single company. Gods goodness is so overwhelming. My Dad passed away 12-23-14 about 7 1/2 years after my Mom. Site by Author Media. An older women motioned to me to please come and braid her hair. God is good all the time, all the time God is good! Thanks for the memories and smile. Until you come face to face with it, you cant even describe it fully. <3. Its wonderful to know that God is good all the time. Liz Curtis Higgs has done a great job with this Christian romance. Or did you, like me, come to know Him a bit farther down lifes road? The God of my strength, in whom I will trust. 2 Samuel 22:2-3NKJV. When evil seems to be winning, we can rest in the fact that God is good and His goodness will one day prevail. A beacon of hope indeed! However, I have found that God uses those downs to shine His goodness, His hope, His love, His salvation, His peace, and His promises. All the time. God is good even when my arthritis makes me hurt. It means that because of that I can relate,sympathize and encourage others who have and or going through similar circumstances. We may love our homes, our cars, our stuff but any hope, joy, or peace they give us is temporary at best, easily swept away by fires, floods, or hurricanes (still praying for you, friends). thank you Liz I love how you share Gods word! It was a sad lonely way to travel through life. Psalm 103. All of the time. God is good even when the unthinkable happens. Whether this is taking someone a meal, a card of encouragement, hug, prayers, or even our time people are visibly seeing Jesus servants in action & the beauty of the good news. holy,holy,holy, is the lord god almighty. Best-selling author Liz Curtis Higgs explores the biblical stories of Elizabeth, Mary, and Anna, unwrapping each verse with tender care and introducing you afresh to The Women of Christmas. I really enjoyed your FB live broadcast today! It is so easy to see when things are going as we want. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Take a Walk with Ruth and the God Who Rocked Her World. Thanks for the reminder! No need to worry about where all your overflow will go. Former Bad Girl, grateful for God's grace. He humbles me with words from an elderly lady (with Dementia) entrusted to my care. And, He is forever GOoD! Not because I knew the Lord, but because I knew this simple prayer: God is great, God is good, My prayer each morning is that His goodness will shine through me to the people around me, that they will know His goodness, too. God is good and I am so thankful that he is mine and I am his! He holds us upp even when we dont feel it. They have no money to repair it right now and the temps are in the 90s. I am Gods kindness in lots of people during this hard time. Liz Curtis Higgs - Facebook I wasnt going to miss you AND YOUR MESSAGE just because of a little major surgery. It is my goal to buy and read each one! He blessed me when we met once here in Las Vegas at a womens retreat at my church. He has our lives in the palm of His hand, so good to be Zechariah 3:17 says it best. The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy, he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing. God is such a loving Father. Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. Sign up here for my free, once-a-month Bible study post (short and sweet, with a lovely giveaway), and a once-in-a-blue-moon email, when I have exciting news to share. By: Liz Curtis Higgs. It gives me great comfort to know that in this increasingly crazy world, God Is In Control. But I can turn to Gods Goodness and accept forgiveness, love and know that I, not good on my own, am His Beloved. So lovely and sweet. Every good and perfect thing comes from the Lord! God is Good! His goodness brings us to our knees, filled with grateful praise. 4.8 out of 5 stars 11. by the power of the Holy Spirit. Where would we be without the goodness of the Lord? I hope I never rush through that prayer again. DAVIS BUNN, AUTHOR OF WINNER TAKE ALL Liz Curtis Higgs Believe, Love You, Hands Praise The Lord. The Women of Easter shines a spotlight on three Marys who play vital roles in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. US$22.77. Two years ago today, I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer. Thanks for this devotional today. Dans son best-seller Bad Girls de la srie Bible, Liz insuffle une nouvelle vie dans les contes anciens sur les plus infmes et intrigante-femmes dans l'histoire de Jzabel, Marie-Madeleine. P.S. May the God of hope fill you Romans 15:13. Here youll find my favorite photos, snippets from my books, interesting bits of Scottish history, tips for travelers, recommended Scottish books and music, and my wee blog. However, everything that touches us, touches him. I finally gave them over to God. Her alma mater, Bellarmine University, presented her with a Distinguished Alumni Award in 2005. Your words always inspire me! He is not a liar , he will not fail me or any of my family members. Satan loves to keep us from seeing it. I lost a child in 1973. He is Good and He loves ME! Praise His Holy name forever!!! Gods goodness means peace of mind and peace of heart even in troubling times and circumstances. The goodness of man to me means that he is a reflection of God Because all the good we do was made in us when we were formed in our Mothers womb Its all from God! Sound good? Comfort Bev as only You can. I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. Liz, I have really enjoyed your books and can not hardly wait to get this one. Her . Your privacy is vital to me. God is so good. I get so weary. I will trust in Him. 2,594 talking about this. Thank you, Liz! He is good. Thanks Liz for helping me see this! Thanks for the chance! If He wasnt such a loving good God, He would have given up on many along time ago. But he is good.. No matter how dreary things may get, He is still God. Very very thankful. It gives me something to focus on rather that the situation that I am going through. Thank you Liz for offering this daily bread to us, today. A moment before I read your post, I read an email regarding the simple song Jesus Loves Me. First it was sneaking a cigarette out of Moms purse. HE is such a Loving & Caring God and gives me SOOOOO many BLESSINGS to be THANKFUL for EVERYDAY!!!! You are my sweet and famous friend. These arent simply nice sentiments on a greeting card; these are solid promises from Gods Word. ). There is no way I could have embraced my medical challenges without know that He is good and His grace is sufficient. What a feast! Thank you God it didnt bite one of my children!! I praise Him for sending His son Jesus to save me and forgive me of my sins. Im very excited to start getting your weekly emails! God is good all the time! Liz presents her godly bold messages with humor, passion, and love. Gods goodness give me hope in this world of tribulation. I never share your info with anyone, and you can unsubscribe any time. What shall I return to the Lord for all His goodness to me? If we take our eyes off of ourself and looked at others, we would see Gods deed spread everywhere. Last night while I was out walking, the sky was so beautiful as the sun was setting. 1 Timothy 1:15-16. Living in a world where there is so much that is NOT good gives me so much more peace to know that the God who lives on me is the ultimate goodness! ? "Word by Word with Liz Curtis Higgs" is a 26-minute podcast exploring women of the Bible. Even when times are difficult I feel his presence in my life. God is immeasurably good even beyond our wildest imaginations and dreams. It is the perfect follow up to seeing you on tour. Good must come from the word God. Love your insights and biblical knowledge. ALL THE TIME!!!!!! I have Gods peace that passes all understanding, and I know the joy of the Lord is my only true strength. He lifted his shirt and showed me incision marks all way down his abdomen. He is the lack of darkness. Yes, God is good. But we dont have to choose, beloved. Doing good deeds for others reflects the heart of God. We might not seem it that way at the time but God knows exactly what we are to do in our lives. He cannot be any other way. Help! I'm Laughing and I Can't Get Up: Fall-down Funny Stories to Fill Gods goodness means to me that we get to witness His large and small miracles, His beauty in the world and love and kindness in others which nourishes our souls with the knowledge of His power. Gods goodness can always be depended upon. He shows His love to His children every day, all day. I would love to read your latest book and have hopes of my name being drawn. You always speak to my This TRUTH needs to become part of us, ingrained, second naturefor when times are not good and trouble seems to overwhelm us we remember and KNOW our never-changing God always IS good! I struggle with great pain and illness. Its so easy to get caught up in our little day-to-day problems and forget how good and gracious our Lord is. I am so grateful to have a Father in our Lord. What a wonderful reminder to us each day of the love and care God has for us no matter what is going on in our lives. And she received an Honorary Doctorate from Georgetown College in 2010. She is a gifted author with a deft touch at all the elements of fine storytelling." T. When you trust in Him, your believing lives (MSG). When we are doing good deeds we are taking our eyes off of ourselves and we are being the hands and feet of Jesus. We were devastated! To me, God being good means everything is made by Him and under the knowledge of Him who works everything according to His planHes in control and no one else can do it better! And some days you just gotta shout it out, God is so good. Liz and her husband, Bill, have a grown son and daughter. Hardcover. Blessings! A special treat was having award-winning author and speaker Liz Curtis Higgs as our keynote speaker. God IS good, all the time! Thanks! Gods goodness and love gives us a Bible verse for every situation in life. TOP 14 QUOTES BY LIZ CURTIS HIGGS | A-Z Quotes