Halo 2 Skulls And Terminals Locations, Michael Rowe Obituary, Conrad Hotel Lobby Scent, 5 Diferencias Entre El Cristianismo Y El Islam, Articles H

In this example the file must be in public_html/example/Example/. (h6005); Matthew 1:23 KJ (g1694) - ih-MAN-yoo-uhl,] * [ Emmaus - Emma'us - Luke 24:13 (g1695) - eh-MAY-uhs, ih-, uh-, ehm-MAY-uhs] * [ Enaim - Ena'im - Genesis 38:14 (h5879) - ih-NAY-im] * [ En-dor - En-dor - 1 Samuel 28:7 (h5874) - EN-dor] * [ Eneas (see Aeneas) - - - ] * [ En-eglaim - En-eg'laim - Ezekiel 47:10 (h5882) - en-EG-lay-im] * [ Engedi - En-ge'di - Ezekiel 47:10 (h5872) - en-GED-i, not en-GEED-ee] * [ Enki*] * [ (also Ea) - - it "Bel" - ENG-kee] * [ Enlil*] * [ (also Bel) - - dp 71 - EN-lil, en-LIL] * [ enmity - enmity - Genesis 3:15 (h342) - EN-muh-tee, not EM-nuh-tee] * [ Enoch - E'noch - Genesis 5:18 (h2585); Jude 14 (g1802) - EE-nuhk, EE-nahk] * [ Enosh] * [ (Enos in some Bibles) - E'nosh - Genesis 4:26 (h583) - EE-nosh] * [ En-rogel] * [ (sometimes Enrogel) - En-ro'gel - 2 Samuel 17:17 (h5883) - en-ROH-guhl, en-ROH-gehl] * [ envoy] * [ (ambassador in some Bibles) - envoy - Proverbs 13:17 (h6735); Philippians 2:25 (g652) - EN-voi', AHN-voi'] * [ Epaenetus - Epae'netus - Romans 16:5 (g1866) - ih-PEE-nuh-tuhs] * [ Epaphras - Ep'aphras - Philemon 23 (g1889) - EP-uh-fras, EP-uh-fruhs] * [ Epaphroditus - Epaphrodi'tus - Philippians 2:25 (g1891) - ih-paf'ruh-DI -tuhs] * [ Epeiph* - - w98 12/15 29 - EE-fi f] * [ ephah - e'phah - Exodus 16:36 (h374) - EE-fuh, EE-fah not EF-uh] * [ Ephes-dammim - E'phes-dam'mim - 1 Samuel 17:1 (h658) - ee'fiz-DAM-im, ee'fes-DAM-im] * [ Ephesians - Ephe'sians (Bible book) - Acts 19:28 (g2180) - ih-FEE-zhuhnz] * [ Ephesus - Eph'esus - Acts 18:19 (g2181) - EF-uh-suhs, EF-uh-ses] * [ ephod - eph'od - Exodus 28:4 (h646) - EF-od in NW (some sources EE-fod)] * [ Ephphatha] * [ ("be opened") - Eph'phatha - Mark 7:34 (g2188) - EF-uh-thah, EF-uh-thuh] * [ Ephraemi rescriptus* - - it "Galatians, Letter to" - ee'fruh-mee rih-SKRIP-tuhs] * [ Ephraim - E'phraim - Genesis 41:52 (h669) - EE-fray-im, -free-uhm, -fruhm, not EF-ree-im] * [ Ephrathah - Eph'rathah - Micah 5:2 (h672) - EF-ruh-thuh, not ef-RAH-thuh] * [ Ephron - E'phron - Genesis 25:9 (h6085) - EE-fron] * [ Epictetus*; Epictetian* - - it "Stoics" - eh'pik-TEE-tuhs; eh'pik-TEE-shuhn] * [ Epicurean - Epicure'an - Acts 17:18 (g1946) - ep'ih-kyoo-REE-uhn, ep'ih-kyuh-REE-uhn] * [ epigraphic* - - w02 12/15 22 - eh'-puh-GRA-fik] * [ epigraphist* - - g90 5/8 14 - ih-PIH-gruh-fist, eh-] * [ epigraphy* - - w02 12/15 22 - ih-PIH-gruh-fee, eh-] * [ Epimenides* - - Titus 1:12 ftn. (g5507, g2094) - KIH-lee-asts', -uhsts] * [ Chilion - Chil'ion - Ruth 1:2 (h3630) - KIL-ee-uhn] * [ Ching* - - g87 0/22 23 - JING, CHING] * [ Chinnereth - Chin'nereth - Numbers 34:11 (h3672) - KIN-uh-reth(')] * [ Chios - Chi'os - Acts 20:15 (g5508) - KI -os, KEE-os] * [ Chi-Rho* - - sh 273 - KI -ROH, KEE-ROH] * [ Chislev] * [ (Casleu, Chaseleu, Chisleu, Kislev in some Bibles) - Chis'lev - Nehemiah 1:1 (h3691) - KIZ-lev] * [ Chittim - ("Kittim" in NW) - Daniel 11:30 Da, KJ, Yg (h3794) - KIT-im] * [ Chloe - Chlo'e - 1 Corinthians 1:11 (g5514) - KLOH-ee] * [ Chorazin - Chora'zin - Matthew 11:21 (g5523) - koh-RAY-zin, kuh-RAY-zin] * [ Chou* - - sh 161 - JOH] * [ Christ - Christ - Matthew 1:1 (g5547) - KRI ST] * [ Christendom* - - w88 4/1 24 - KRIS-uhn-duhm (listen)] * [ Christian - Christian - Acts 26:28 (g5546) - KRIS-chuhn (listen)] * [ Christological* - - w78 5/1 12 - krist'uh-LOJ-ih-kuhl] * [ Christology* - - w92 4/1 25 - kris-TOL-uh-jee] * [ Chronicles - Chronicles (Bible books) - 1 Chronicles 1:1 - KRON-ih-kuhlz] * [ chrysolite] * [ ( beryl in some Bibles) - chrys'olite - Ezekiel 1:16 (h8658) - KRIH-suh-li t', KRIS-uh-li t] * [ chrysoprase - chrys'oprase - Revelation 21:20 (g5556) - KRIS-uh-prayz] * [ Chrysostom* - - w01 4/15 19 - KRIS-uhs-tuhm, kri-SOS-tuhm] * [ chugh (Hebrew word) - - ip-1 412; Isaiah 40:22 "circle" (h2329) - KHOOG (listen), not CHUHG] * [ churl - ("unprincipled man" in NW) - Isaiah 32:7 AS, KJ (h3596) - CHUHR(-uh)L] * [ Chuza - Chu'za - Luke 8:3 (g5529) - KYOO-zuh, KOO-zuh] * [ Cicero* - - g01 7/8 14 - SIS-uh-roh] * [ Cilicia - Cili'cia - Acts 6:9 (g2791) - suh-LI -shee-uh in NW (most sources suh-LISH-(ee-)uh)] * [ Claromontanus* - - si 314 - klair'uh-mon-TAN-uhs] * [ Claudia - Clau'dia - 2 Timothy 4:21 (g2903) - KLAW-dee-uh] * [ Claudius - Claudius, it Clau'dius - Acts 11:28 (g2804) - KLAW-dee-uhs] * [ Clement - Clement - Philippians 4:3 (g2815) - KLEM-uhnt] * [ Cleopatra* - - dp 232 - klee'uh-PAT-ruh] * [ Cleopas - Cle'opas - Luke 24:18 (g2810) - KLEE-oh-puhs, KLEE-ah-puhs] * [ Clopas] * [ (Cleopas, Cleophas in some Bibles) - Clo'pas - John 19:25 (g2832) - KLOH-puhs] * [ Cnidus - Cni'dus - Acts 27:7 (g2834) - NI -duhs, kuh-NI -duhs] * [ Cnossos* (see Knossos) - - - ] * [ coccus (coccus scarlet) - coccus - Exodus 26:1 (h8144) - KAH-kuhs] * [ cockatrice] * [ (adder, basilisk, poison-snake, serpent, viper in some Bibles) - ("poisonous snake" in NW) - Isaiah 11:8 KJ, Yg (h6848) - KAH-kuh-truhs, -tri s'] * [ codex*] * [ (pl. RewriteRule . } "Inappropriate intonation pattern can lead to misunderstanding just as a mispronounced sound can. derogatory)] * [ Amharic* - - it "Ethiopia" - am-HAR-ik, am-HAH-rik] * [ amicus curiae* - - g85 9/8 13 - uh-MEE-kuhs, -MI -, KYUR-ee-i ', KUR-, -ih-ee'] * [ Amittai - Amit'tai - Jonah 1:1 (h573) - uh-MIT-i] * [ Ammiel - Am'miel - 2 Samuel 9:4 (h5988) - AM-ee-uhl] * [ Ammon] * [ (compare Amon) - Am'mon - Genesis 19:38 (h5983) - AM-uhn, AM-ahn' not AY-muhn] * [ Amnon - Am'non - 2 Samuel 13:1 (h550) - AM-non, AM-nuhn] * [ Amon] * [ (compare Ammon) - A'mon - 2 Kings 21:19 (h526) - AY-mon, AY-mahn' not AM-uhn] * [ Amos - A'mos (Bible book) - Amos 1:1 (h5986) - AY-muhs] * [ Amoz - A'moz - Isaiah 1:1 (h531) - AY-moz] * [ Amphipolis - Amphip'olis - Acts 17:1 (g295) - am-FIP-uh-lis, am-FIP-uh-luhs] * [ Amram - Am'ram - Exodus 6:20 (h6019) - AM-ram] * [ Amraphel - Am'raphel - Genesis 14:1 (h569) - AM-ruh-fel] * [ Amurru* - - it "Amorite (The 'Amurru')" - uh-MOO-roo] * [ anachronism* - - w60 6/1 349 - uh-NAK-ruh-niz'uhm] * [ anagoge* or anagogy* - - - AN-uh-goh'jee] * [ Anak; Anakim - A'nak; An'akim - Deuteronomy 9:2 (h6062, h6061) - AY-nak; AN-uh-kim] * [ Anammelech - Anam'melech - 2 Kings 17:31 (h6048) - uh-NAM-uh-lek] * [ Ananias - Anani'as - Acts 5:1 (g367) - an'uh-NI -uhs] * [ anaphora* - - religious definition - uh-NAF-uh-ruh, uh-NA-f(uh-)ruh] * [ Anat* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" - AH-naht] * [ Anathema Maranatha - ("accursed" + "O our Lord come!" We dont say want to. Just click. That's one reason audio can help. Troas. 3 ratings. Oops! - KAT-uh-klih'zuhm] * [ catechism* - - g93 9/8 8 - KAT-uh-kiz'uhm] * [ Cathari*] * [ (aka Albigenses) - - w95 9/1 28 - KATH-uh-ri, -ree] * [ Cedron - ("Kidron" in NW) - John 18:1 Da, DRB, KJ (g2748) - SEE-druhn] * [ Cenchreae] * [ (Cenchera, Cenchrae, Cenchrea in some Bibles) - Cen'chreae - Acts 18:18 (g2747) - SEN-kruh-ee, SEN-kree-uh, sen-KREE-uh] * [ cenotaph* - - w94 6/15 32 - SEN-uh-taf', -tahf'] * [ censer - censer - 2 Chronicles 26:19 (h4730); Hebrews 9:4 (g2369) - SEN(T)-suhr] * [ centurion] * [ (captain, Roman army officer in some Bibles) - ("army officer" in NW) - Acts 10:1 DRB, KJ (and others) (g1543) - sen-T(Y)OOR-ee-uhn] * [ Cephas - Ce'phas - 1 Corinthians 3:22 (g2786) - SEE-phus] * [ certiorari* - - g03 1/8 4 - suhr'sh(ee-)uh-RAR-ee, -RAHR-EE] * [ cessation - cessation - Isaiah 38:11 (h2309) - seh-SAY-shuhn] * [ chalcedony - chalced'ony - Revelation 21:19 (g5472) - kal-SED-uh-nee, kal-SEH-duh-nee, kal-SEHD-uhn-ee, chal-; KAL-suh-doh'nee, chal-, -dah'-] * [ Chalcis*] * [ (also Khalks) - - it "Herod" - KAL-suhs, KAL-kuhs] * [ Chaldea - Chalde'a - Jeremiah 50:10 (h3778) - kal-DEE-uh] * [ Chaldean - Chalde'an - Ezra 5:12 (h3679) - kal-DEE-uhn] * [ Chaldee* - - w99 2/1 31 - KAL-dee', KOL-, KAHL-] * [ chamberlain] * [ (over the bedchambers, over the bedroom, personal aide in some Bibles) - ([the one] "in charge of the bedchamber" in NW) - Acts 12:20 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (g1909 + g2846) - CHAYM-buhr-luhn] * [ chamois - chamois - Deuteronomy 14:5 (h2169) - SHAM-ee (listen), also sha-MWAH] * [ Chandogya* - - g75 11/8 8 - chahn-DAH-gya] * [ chancellor - ("chief government official" in NW) - Ezra 4:8 AS, KJ (h1169) - CHAN(T)-s(uh-)luhr] * [ chapiter - ("capital" in NW) - 2 Chronicles 3:15 KJ (h6858) - CHA-puh-tuhr] * [ charism* - - w80 8/1 23 - KAR-ih'zuhm, KAIR-iz'uhm] * [ charisma*; pl. appointment with Dr. Brown the sounds of these letters with an open or partially open Very few readers are able to acquire that sound and often substitute d. Usually, this substitution does not matter. - nab'uh-NI -duhs, not na-BON-ih-duhs] * [ Nabopolassar* - - it "Chaldea" - nab'uh-puh-LAS-uhr, nab-oh-poh-LAS-er] * [ Naboth - Na'both - 1 Kings 21:1 (h5022) - NAY-both] * [ Nadab - Na'dab - Exodus 6:23 (h5070) - NAY-dab] * [ Naggai] * [ (Nagge in some Bibles) - Nag'gai - Luke 3:25 (g3477) - NAG-uh-i, NAG-i (NAG-ee in some Bibles)] * [ Nahash - Na'hash - 1 Samuel 11:1 (h5176) - NAY-hash] * [ Nahbi - Nah'bi - Numbers 13:14 (h5147) - NAH-bi] * [ Nahshon - Nah'shon - Ruth 4:20 (h5177) - NAH-shon, not NAY-shon] * [ Nahum - Na'hum (Bible book) - Nahum 1:1 (h5151) - NAY-huhm, NAY-uhm] * [ Nain - Na'in - Luke 7:11 (g3484) - NAY-in, NAYN] * [ Naioth - Nai'oth - 1 Samuel 19:18 (h5121) - NI -oth, NAY-yoth] * [ Naomi - Na'omi - Ruth 1:2 (h5281) - NAY-oh-mee, -mi, commonly nay-OH-mee] * [ Naphtali - Naph'tali - Genesis 30:8 (h5321) - NAF-tuh-li] * [ Narcissus - Narcis'sus - Romans 16:11 (g3488) - nahr-SIS-uhs] * [ nascent* - - g92 3/22 6 - NAS-uhnt, NAY-suhnt] * [ Nashim* - - w97 11/15 26 - NAY-shim] * [ Nathan - Nathan, it Na'than - 2 Chronicles 9:29 (h5416) - NAY-thuhn] * [ Nathanael - Nathan'ael - John 1:45 (g3482) - nuh-THAN-ay-uhl, nuh-THAN-yuhl] * [ naught, also nought - - In KJ "naught" is used for many Hebrew and Greek words: (h205; h369; h434; h656; h657; h659; h1697; h2600; h3808; h5034; h6331; h6544; h6565; h7451; h8045; h8414) and (g557; g1432; g1847; g1848; g2049; g2673; g3762) - NAWT, NAHT] * [ Nazarene - Nazarene' - Matthew 2:23 (g3480) - na'zuh-REEN] * [ Nazareth - Naz'areth - Matthew 2:23 (g3478) - NAZ-uh-ruhth, not NAZ-uh-rus] * [ Nazirite] * [ (also Nazarite) - Naz'irite - Numbers 6:2 (h5139) - NAZ-uh-ri t] * [ Neapolis - Neap'olis - Acts 16:11 (g3496) - nee-AP-puh-lis] * [ Nebaioth - Neba'ioth - Isaiah 60:7 (h5032) - nee-BAY-yoth, nih-, nih-BAY-oth] * [ Nebo] * [ (compare Nego) - Ne'bo - Deuteronomy 32:49 (h5015) - NEE-boh] * [ Nebuchadnezzar] * [ (compare Nebuchadrezzar) - Nebuchadnez'zar - 2 Kings 24:1 (h5019) - neb'uh-kuhd-NEZ-uhr, ne'byuh-kuh-NE-zuhr, neb'yoo-kuhd-NEZ-uhr] * [ Nebuchadrezzar] * [ (compare Nebuchadnezzar) - Nebuchadrez'zar - Jeremiah 21:2 (h5019) - neb'uh-kuh-DREZ-uhr, ne'byuh-kuh-DRE-zuhr, -buh-, neb'yoo-kuhd-REZ-uhr] * [ Nebuzaradan - Nebu'zarad'an - Jeremiah 39:10 (h5018) - neb-yoo'zuh-RAD-uhn, neb-yoo'zuhr-AD-uhn] * [ Necho - Ne'cho - 2 Chronicles 35:20 (h5224) - NEE-koh] * [ necromancer] * [ (channeling with the dead, consult the dead, consult the spirits of the dead, one inquiring of the dead, that seeketh the truth from the dead in some Bibles) - ("anyone who inquires of the dead" in NW) - Deuteronomy 18:11 AS, KJ (h1875 + h413 + h4191) - NEK-ruh-man(t)'suhr] * [ necromancy* - - it "Divination" - NEK-ruh-man(t)'see] * [ Negeb] * [ (Negev, South, Southern Desert in some Bibles) - Neg'eb - Genesis 12:9 (h5045) - NEG-eb, NAY-geb, not NEE-geb] * [ Negev] * [ (also Negeb) - ("Negeb" in NW) - Psalm 126:4 GW, HNV, WEB (h5045) - NEG-ev, not NEE-gev] * [ Nego*] * [ (compare Nebo) - - dp 36 - NEE-goh] * [ Nehemiah - Nehemi'ah (Bible book) - Nehemiah 1:1 (h5166) - nee'huh-MI -uh, nee'hih-, nee'uh-MI -uh] * [ Nehemias - ("Nehemiah" in NW) - Nehemiah 1:1 DRB (h5166) - nee'huh-MI -uhs] * [ Nehiloth - Ne'hiloth - Psalm 5 superscription (h5155) - NEE-huh-loth, NEE-uh-luhth] * [ Nehushta - Nehush'ta - 2 Kings 24:8 (h5179) - nee-HUSH-tuh, nih-HOOSH-,nuh-HUSH-tuh] * [ Nehushtan] * [ (a piece of brass, Nechushtan, Nohestan in some Bibles) - ("copper serpent-idol" in NW) - 2 Kings 18:4 AS, KJ (h5180) - nee-HUSH-tan, nih-HOOSH-tuhn, Heb. Very easy. 2:2). Short vowels are the vowel sounds in these words: bat, bet, bit, bought, butt. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce I words in the Bible: [ Ibleam - Ib'leam - Joshua 17:11 (h2991) - IB-lee-uhm] * [ Iblis* - - w94 2/1 3 - IB-lis] * [ Ibzan - Ib'zan - Judges 12:8 (h78) - IB-zan] * [ Ichabod - Ich'abod - 1 Samuel 4:21 (h350) - IK-uh-bod] * [ I Ching* - - sh 83 - YEE-JING, EE-JING] * [ icon* - - w02 7/1 4 - I -kon, I -kahn'] * [ Iconium - Ico'nium - Acts 14:1 (g2430) - i -KOH-nee-uhm] * [ iconoclasm* - - g80 3/8 19 - i -KON-uh-klaz'uhm] * [ iconoclast*; iconoclastic* - - w92 2/15 4 - i -KAH-nuh-klast'; i -kah'nuh-KLAS-tik] * [ ichor* - - it "Gods and Goddesses" (Greek Deities) - I -kawr', -kuhr] * [ Iddo - Id'do - Ezra 5:1 (h5714) - ID-oh] * [ ideology*] * [ (also idealogy) - - w97 8/15 32 - i'dee-AH-luh-jee, ih'-; i'dee-AH-luh-jee, -AL-uh-jee, ih'dee-AH-luh-jee, -AL-uh-jee] * [ ideological* - - w93 2/1 5 - ih'dee-uh-LAH-jih-kuhl, ih'-] * [ idolater - idolater - Ephesians 5:5 (g1496) - i -DAHL-uh-tuhr, -DOL-] * [ idolatrous - ("foreign-god" [priests] in NW) - 2 Kings 23:5 KJ (h3649) - i-DAHL-uh-truhs] * [ Idumea] * [ (also Idumaea) - Idume'a - Mark 3:8 (g2401) - id'yoo-MEE-uh, id'oo-MEE-uh] * [ Idumean*, Idumaean* - - w02 1/1 11 - id'yoo-MEE-uhn] * [ Ignatius* - - it "Canon" - ig-NAY-sh(ee-)uhs] * [ ignominy] * [ (shame in some Bibles) - ("dishonor" in NW) - Proverbs 18:3 AS, DRB, KJ (h7036) - IG-nuh-min'ee, ig-NAH-muh-nee] * [ Ije-abarim] * [ (also Ije Abarim; compare Iye-abarim) - - Numbers 21:11 KJ, MKJV (h5863) - i 'juh-AB-uh-rim] * [ Ikhnaton*] * [ (also Akhenaton) - - - ik-NAH-tuhn] * [ Illyricum - Illyr'icum - Romans 15:19 (g2457) - ih-LIHR-ih-kuhm, -LEER] * [ imam* - - g00 3/8 11 - ih-MAHM, ee-MAHM, ih-MAM] * [ Immanuel] * [ (compare Emmanuel) - Imman'uel - Isaiah 7:14 (h6005) - ih-MAN-yoo-uhl, ih-MAN-yoo-el] * [ impious] * [ (evildoers, godless, hypocrite, profane, ungodly in some Bibles) - ("apostate" and "ungodly men" in NW) - Job 8:13 JPS (h2611); Romans 5:6 Analytical-Literal Trans., Yg (g765) - IM-pee-uhs, im(')-PI -uhs] * [ impotent - impotent - Job 26:5 (h7496) - IM-puh-tuhnt, -poh-, not im-POH-tuhnt] * [ impugn* - - jv 645 - im-PYOON] * [ incense - incense - Psalm 141:2 (h7004); Luke 1:9 (g2370) - IN-sen(t)s] * [ India - In'dia - Esther 1:1 (h1012) - IN-dee-uh] * [ inimical*] * [ (compare inimitable) - - it "Enemy" - ih-NIH-mih-kuhl] * [ inimitable*] * [ (compare inimical) - - w88 11/1 15 - ih(')-NIH-muh-tuh-buhl] * [ iniquity - iniquity - Daniel 4:27 (h5758) - ih-NIH-kwuh-tee] * [ inquisition - ("search" in NW) - Deuteronomy 19:18 AS, DRB, KJ (h1875) - in'kwuh-ZIH-shuhn, ing'kwuh-] * [ inshallah* - - - in'shah-LAH] * [ internecine* - - w03 1/1 8 - in'tuhr-NEH-seen', in'tuhr-NEE-suhn, -NEE-si n', in'tuhr-nuh-SEEN, in-TUHR-nuh-seen'] * [ interpolate*; interpolation* - - w64 3/15 184 - in-TUHR-puh-layt'; in-tuhr'puh-LAY-shuhn] * [ Ionian* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - i -OH-nee-uhn] * [ Ionic* - - it "Architecture" - i -AH-nik] * [ iota] * [ (jot in some Bibles; compare tittle) - ("smallest letter" in NW) - Matthew 5:18 Da, KJ, Yg (g2503) - i -OH-tuh] * [ Iran* - - it "Persia, Persian" - ih-RAN, -RAHN, ee-RAHN, i -RAN] * [ Iranian* - - ip-2 73 - ih-RAY-nee-uhn, ih-RAH-, i -RAY-] * [ Iraq* - - it "Babylon" - ih-RAK, -RAHK, ee-RAHK] * [ Irenaeus* - - it "Canon" - i 'ruh-NEE-uhs] * [ irreprehensible] * [ (above reproach, blameless, good reputation, irreproachable, of good name, without fault, without reproach in some Bibles) - irreprehensible - 1 Timothy 3:2 (g423) - ih-rep'rih-HEN(T)-suh-buhl] * [ Isaac - Isaac, it I'saac - Genesis 17:19 (h3327) - I -zik, I -zak] * [ Isaiah - Isaiah (Bible book), Isa'iah - Isaiah 1:1 (h3470) - i -ZAY-uh, -yuh, chiefly Brit.