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and transmitted securely. Abdominal pain began April. I didnt know this. Healthy until March when heavy, irregular bleeding began. I also take daily before I go to work n-Acetyl-l-cysteine..1 daily recommended by a frontline doc..it prevents the spike protein from vaxxed people ..it is 600 mg I ordered it from life extensions it is getting harder to get according to a frontline doc that I spoke to from florida.. be blessed and do your research.. https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/chem.202001036, >With 9-day exposure, there was no effect with suramin concentrations of 100 microM or less. Online store iHerb is where I buy all my vits/supplmnts. It's found in many forests around the world, in Pine needles. Also childrenshealthdefense.org has a form to sign letting your elected officials know you are against the mandates. Its when someone abuses wine, using in excess, that it becomes an issue. Cancer rates are also thru the roof here recently. Print 2020 Feb 21. How do you know that you arent a full-blown alcoholic? Its one who habitually gets inebriated, who purposely consumes alcohol until drunkenness sets in. And slept a lotonly up for a couple hours in the morning and then not again till 2pm and then slept till 5 pmI also had the aches in the back of my knees that I get with a bad flu. Just wondering as I am back at work with the GMO people. Please pray with me that my daughter realizes the truth. In fact I cannot remember the last time I had a headache at all prior to this. Grapes fermented. My message is that when in a spiritual war, use every advantage you can to win! I may have just had severe migraines for a week due to stress and being overworked. Even though there was evidence for elderberry contributing to cytokine storm. Blue Spruce tastes wonderful, you can use red/white pine, cedar and white or blue spruce. It seems like most suggest making the tea at much higher strengths 1-3 tbsp per cup, vs your 4 tbsp per 8 cups of tea. I went out and got some pine needles today and made some horrific tasting yet healthy tea. NOTE: Nothing in this article is medical advice or recommendations, and is not to be construed as such. I am just trying to compare prices here in the US with buying the pills abroad. I am ready. Lowdose suramin in autism spectrum disorder: a small, phase I/II, randomized clinical trial, As suramin is a charged molecule and does not cross the blood brain barrier it exerts neurotoxic effects in the peripheral nervous system, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shikimic_acid, https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-05-09-is-pine-needle-tea-the-answer-to-covid-vaccine-shedding-suramin-shikimic-acid.html, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S027869150900266X, https://www.news-medical.net/news/20201012/Suramin-shows-promise-as-COVID-19-treatment.aspx, https://www.herbs4you.org/2022/04/healing-herb-pine/, https://www.simplelists.com/nfu/msg/16539359/, https://www.biologicalmedicineinstitute.com/post/eastern-white-pine-tree-needles-a-natural-source-of-suramin, https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=suramin, Vliaikaistiedote: En lis tnne en suomenkielist tietoa sill tm j kansainvliseksi sivuksi ja suomeksi lytyy sivusto osoitteesta. However, both turpentine and pine needle tea is good. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31844000/, Youtube videos: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=suramin. Glad your on the mend & I appreciate all the work your doing. Twats. Where did you purchase the pine needle oil capsules? I was at least going to die fighting for what I believe in and not living in fear. I took a small branch from the tree. Read some of his papers. Even better, you can ingest Suramin simply by drinking Pine needle tea. If your comment is to dismiss Jesuss message about warning against alcohol, then you are in error. Doesnt have to be White Pine.. Just make sure the one you chose isnt one of the toxic varieties. The next day after starting the pine tea, the bleeding stopped and the pain lessened to where I was able to exercise. I got so worried on the fifth consecutive day of debilitating headaches and fatigue that I actually called an urgent care facility. Get to know your trees. Fortunately, we had enough food in the house that we just didnt go out. Always feel worse for a few days it seems after a visit to Walmart, but maybe thats just me Thanks Much and am Glad that you also were saved from info provided by you and other brave folks! "Jason Shurka Q: Do you know of anyway, to heal oneself from the injuries from the current injection? Laurie, I agreegood words. That would be my guess. Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. This is another reason Jesus said fasting (putting the flesh under submission) works against the demonic. Those willing to take proactive protective measures, maintain their health, and become more self-reliant will rise from this period of change and transformation successfully. Stronger amounts of needles to water can be used therapeutically. Began heavy dosing of pine tea spiked with ginger, clove, cinnamon. A 2011 study published in the Journal of Food Science demonstrated powerful antioxidant properties in a pine needle extract from the tree species Cedrus deodara. Its Terrible for you to wish Death, or want a person to Die, Maybe they Made the Wrong Choice? We are not legalists in the body of Christ. Suramin has inhibitory effects against components of the coagulation cascade and against the inappropriate replication and modification of RNA and DNA. Eastern White Pine Needle Powder- suramin, shikimic acid, vitas, spike protein inhibitor ad vertisement by CarolinaPepperHead. Regarding graphene. The COVID Blog is my duty. Lets be clear, the bible says not to get drunk, a drunkard will not enter heaven. [10], It has been used in the treatment ofriver blindness(onchocerciasis).[2]. Im a sucker for any and all natural medicine. I took the gel from a tube 30 years ago; my doctor prescribed it so I wouldnt have to buy two different oral & external prescriptions for scabies. NAC is said to work detoxing the poison from vaxx Activation of Cx43 Hemichannels Induces the Generation of Ca. Those with issues breaking down high oxalates should be aware fennel & dandelion are extremely high in oxalate acid. Pramil E, Herbi Bastian L, Denfle T, Nemati F, Xiao M, Lard E, Maloum K, Roos-Weil D, Chapiro E, Le Garff-Tavernier M, Davi F, Decaudin D, Sarfati M, Nguyen-Khac F, Merle-Bral H, Karoyan P, Susin SA. -19th century American herbal healer saying. I now cant see my mother in person because of my reaction. But the twitching and feeling of my head being full of liquid persisted. Just found this site today very grateful thank you Brian. Trypan blue is derived fromtoluidine, that is, any of several isomeric bases, C14H16N2, derived fromtoluene. Some are thankful, This comment in the PDF also reveals Suramins ability to inhibit micro-clots: Suramin also showed inhibitory effects against components of thecoagulation cascade(71, 130). I share your posts regularly all over the place. Also, since then, I noticed severe fatigue and nausea whenever I go for groceries or interact out in the world. Hope you get better soon Brian, this is a great website! We can get you whatever shots you need. I said NOTHING about shots or vaccines. (And, I skip the elliptical when healthy and otherwise just tiredyoure near death and going to the gyma showoff, ha). This site rocks the Classic Responsive Skin for Thesis. It's found in many forests around the world, in Pine needles. Strategies towards Targeting Gi/s Proteins: Scanning of Protein-Protein Interaction Sites To Overcome Inaccessibility. Anyways, get drunk. Did get side effects from over taking it,chest pains twitching arm. What is a drunkard? I find the more stress, the worse the headache and its duration. Hi Brian. Just found your blog while looking for shikimic acid and viral shedders. You will want to support the EVER CRITICAL lipid membrane of the mitochondria. So happy you are better!!!!!! Incredible information, too. good example. Four days after eliminating caffeine from my life, the headaches persisted, but were far less severe. What I am aboutvtonwrite is my own selection for managing my health in a world of spike protein-shedders. Now read the following paragraph within the subtitle(Too) Many Targetsin the100 Years of SuraminPDF to understand its antidote properties to the spike protein contagion (derived from the mRNA that gives instructions to replicate a spike protein in other cells): Suramin further decreases the activities of a large number of enzymes involved inDNA and RNA synthesis and modification: DNA polymerases (103, 104), RNA polymerases (103, 105, 106), reverse transcriptase (18, 103), telomerase (67), and enzymes involved in winding/ unwinding of DNA (107, 108) are inhibited by suramin, as well as histone- and chromatin-modifying enzymes like chromobox proteins (109), methyltransferases (110), and sirtuin histone deacetylases (111). A weight value would be helpful so that equal strength could be achieved from whole, chopped, or pulverized needles. "Jason Shurka Q: Do you know of anyway, to heal oneself from the injuries from the current injection? What is a drunkard? In a recent interview, Dr. Judy Mikovits Ph.D. released information on the ANTIDOTE to the Covid 19 Vaccine. I totally agree with you. Thecypressis not to be usedas an essential oilin high doses, but normally safe otherwise. Ty, The way to efficiently extract from star anise is to grind them in a spice grinder, and using a 15 bar (Pressure) espresso machine make a water extract from them. I left work early twice. Shikimic acid is the other medicinal phytochemical in pine needles that you want in your body during these surreal spike protein/vaccine times. Remember these trees survive harsh winters and hot summers, and always look the same no matter what (theres no such thing as fall or autumn with these trees). Its a natural (and free) vitamin c supplement : ). But the exhaustion was huge; sore throat, and a persistent cough.Then a couple days later, my hubby got all the same symptoms. Alcohol effects our brains, our cognitive functions and it also impairs our health so mentioning the verse about staying SOBER is accurate. I stopped going, went once to the senior gathering until vaxed people came into my space because they were vaxed. Because other verses that make it clear concerning drunkenness, like 1 Cor. Whatever benefits may be found in alcoholic beverages are offset by the damage they cause to all internal organs, from diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. The study demonstratedthat the hot water extract of pine needle proanthocyanidins and catechins offerthehighest levels of antioxidant benefitscompared with chemicalextract processes. This is clearly what the bible forbids, drinking to the point of obvious intoxication. I get a nosebleed, it must be airborne. Neuroscience. I got it on Amazon Yes, yes, yes!!! It was at this point that his cancer exploded. I will never get the vax, tried to talk him out of it, but he wouldnt listen. The holy spirit always gives the best advice, and if he tells you to drink alcohol, thats bewteen you and him. The holy spirit always gives the best advice, and if he tells you to drink alcohol, thats bewteen you and him. I dont know. Dr. Judy Mikovits A: There's an antidote. It is a pleasure to read such an article and not get lost in too many technicalities. Thank you! I even told a close confidant to handle a few things if I died in the coming days. He doesnt have any drug coverage so he used one of those discount cards (Good Rx) at CVS, and paid $40.00 for 38 pills with each one of them being 3 mg. Thanks for sharing. But I will say that it wasnt until pine needle tea was added to my daily nutritional regimen that all remnants of the headaches and twitches disappeared. If youre fortunate it might even be closer. When I write articles I try to make it easy reading and often get feedback precisely about it is pleasant for others to read what I write. WEST DES MOINES, IOWA One of the most-read articles on this site is about Pfizer admitting that non-vaccinated people can be contaminated (exposed) to experimental mRNA and its spike proteins simply by being near someone whos recently been injected. My neighbor said she got it and came into my apt and within 48 hrs my whole chest broke out in a terrible rash. Just a heads up in any case, please beware of the tactic when you see a sensible or level comment with few upvotes or which has turned negative. Its so disturbing how so-called medical authorities have become so political, closed minded, bull headed, & care nothing about actual true, medical health. At 300 microM, 72.7% of the myelinated fibers and at 1316 microM, 88.7% of the myelinated fibers were degenerating at 4 days. That was my point, which is why I broke down 1 Peter 5:8 in its proper context, sober minded has nothing to do with alcohol in the context Peter wrote it. Since I weigh 200, I set the stop at 4 of these markers and push. I was, as always, on my own. This has been my experience for 30 yrs. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and thought that it is my duty to place a comment so you know that people are reading these informative articles. Also an infected toe for the first time, and it wouldnt heal. Has anyone been using Dandelion Tea or Fennel Tea??.. Im glad you are back to typical. He was treated for the virus by his chiropractor with a rife machine. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01168-19. needle on LDL oxidation and its anti-inflammatory action by modulation of iNOS and COX-2 expression in LPS-stimulated RAW 264.7 macrophages, Anti-Inflammatory Principles from the Needles of Pinus taiwanensis Hayata and In Silico Studies of Their Potential Anti-Aging Effects, Anti-inflammatory properties of fermented pine (Pinus morrisonicola Hay.) Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies But I think now Im just paranoid and any little abnormality creeps me out. Symptoms were shortness of breath, fever, chills, and SWOLLEN TESTICLES (this was a red flag for me recently after hearing this swelling was a symptom of the vaccine/shot one report of an ER doctor seeing 30-35 men per week coming in with swollen testicles). Im a nurse that works at Penn Medicine in Pennsylvania in the operating room. Suramin is an extract of the Pine needle oil. Not a slam dunk in a full on forest. EMIGRATE WHILE YOU STILL CAN. So I drink two cups per day one in the morning and one before bed. I am sharing my experience with the spiked proteins. Did you have any issues with Indiamart and or the application? type and mutant . Also I forgot to mention, as a Christian you cannot afford to drink alcohol. Be careful with theyewpine (which is not a true pine) and can be toxic, although it does have a fewmedicinal properties). I am praying everyday that I will find a way to undo what I did to myself. There is a direct relationship between Suramin (the isolated extract), pine needle tea (a hot water extract of the pine, fir, cedar, and spruce needles), and pine oil (which is derived from the needles though an essential oil steam distillation process). The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 6 that our bodies are not our own, and Im sure youre familiar with that passage, so I would encourage you to take a look at this study and understand what any amount of alcohol does to the body. Now all that was on my mind is my own potential exposure to spike proteins via shedding. I started taking alot,probably way to much. I had no idea about the dye being a heavy metal!!! He decided NOT to do chemo or radiation. In fact one of the inventors of mRNA injectable technology, Luigi Warren, tweeted that shedding does in fact happen. This is another reason Jesus said fasting (putting the flesh under submission) works against the demonic. Disclaimer. interesting! It comes in a synthetic pharmaceutical concentrate which can be injected into your body in case of emergencies or you can simply extract Pine oil through distillation." (Please see my comment above). The PubMed wordmark and PubMed logo are registered trademarks of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Dr. Zach Bush has info on the shikimate (shikimic?) Im not in the medical field but Dr. Bushs info is fascinating. I bought the fresh one just to see the leaves so that I would know whether it can be found near my place. Thank you for sharing! This is not a light subject and it can be exhaustive (this is not the place for it) Lastly, when we step out in truth we open ourselves up for attack by Satan. An official website of the United States government. We are also mostly low Iron bordering on being deficient since we were talked out of Iron Pipes and Iron Cookware and we were sold Teflon Cookware. The name of the 2 tubes that I purchased on Amazon is Duramectin 1.87% Apple Flavored. I regrettably got my first dose 9 days ago. I use a sugared CoQ10 gummy (instead of a sugar cube) and source turpentine from Diamond G Forest Products of Georgia. I couldnt find his video, but here is a similar one. She is coughing all over the place, within close proximity to me! I understand, but you took a verse out of context to try and show one should avoid alcohol, so it was necessary to correct that. Teresa. I saw so many varieties of both Dandelion Root & Dandelion Leaf tea at local store & have heard that it contains the magic Shiskimic acid as well? Even a feeling of off-balancedness or dizziness. Wow, thanks for the amazing post. The Lord Jesus has told me over and over = No alcohol. NC pharmacy board and NC medical board would not let pharmacists talk about invermectin, CHQ. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the I am so sorry to hear about the health issues going on with your brother and his family. I try to limit that. PINE NEEDLE TEA/MNNYNNEULASTEE: Thanks for posting such great content. its sad and horrible and tears at my soul. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to stop abruptly rather than gradually deteriorate. This is an amazing story! Second, the word sober in Greek has multiple meanings = , clear-headed, abstinent, abstemious, sober, temperate, self-contained. Its a med thats absolutely necessary for all animals both farm & personal pets. Ive been buying vitamins, herbs & natural foods from iHerb online store, for about 8 years. Fortunately, my diet was already heavy with immunity-guarding foods like ginger, garlic, turmeric, green tea, etc and so increased my take, which likely saved my life. Suramin is thought to uncouple the G protein from its associated receptor, although there is no direct evidence for this mechanism. Thx. And now, the pain has nearly disappeared completely, like I recovered from a giant bruise across my middle. Its ok if you disagree. In order to grasp the seriousness of the situation we are in, and to understand why, we need to look back in history to the times in which this very day had been forecast, obviously planned for, and now created. The problem most professing Christians have is they refuse to let the bible say what it says in its proper context. Thats the only way I can describe it. Again, I was very fatigued along with the severe headaches. (Needless to say, he touched me during treatment). Good morning Debbie. I also have put it on my granola-its delicious! Well, gone now for several months. What would the point of that warning be if the wine of the time had very little alcohol or was basically grape juice as Ive heard from some tea-totalers.